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Welcome to /qa/ - Question & Answer

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kek, its kino!


the white race is so back


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(((they))) really thought (((they))) could stump us kek


Good moarning Mr Frog.


Good moarning yotsubanigger.
im going to sleep soon.


Timezones sure are crazy, huh. Good night then my friend.

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 No.193061[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Dead nigger site right now but that makes long projects easier o qualcosa.
Reply and I will draw in a new building or landform.
136 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Severe lack of does, doe. Add more does near Mt. Sean, doe.


Add a park and name it mameson park


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>it's NOT OVER

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i had a dream last night about poly it was kinda incohesive but also pretty detailed
i remember waking her up in a field by touching her cheek and she got up and we went to some hotel, something happened and we rolled on the ground and she ended up laying on top of me. i remember looking her into her eyes and feeling her breath against mine, this was very vivid or something. then we went to our hotel room and i remember her asking me to go get some stuff and unfortunately i don't remember much after that
11 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




cant wait till yotsubafag sees this one


@poly GTFIH


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Please tell me you just made that up…


no it's real

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This catalog is missing a Tomo Tuesday thread. How is this winter treating you /qa/?
2 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I think this winter is treating me well. How about you?


Not a fan of the extreme cold


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I'm glad I got confirmation or an explanation of whatever the hell these patterns are. I don't wanna get deep into it but I've done my fair share of just focusing unto these patterns when I close my eyes thinking it could get me to sleep. I think the best ones are the infinitely continuing one and I just imagine myself walking and walking through the never-ending vortex like I'm James Sunderland.
What >>203876 said, it keeps getting colder every year, not to mention I normally never go out in the early mornings in winter since middle school and man was it a fucking pain from the freezing cold.




i hope you are doing well

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I have come to the realization that soyjaks died after soyboys stopped caring about covid-19 which is why I've created a new bio-hazard that's incurable so all my years of collecting soylent wojaks won't go to waste


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it's kino…

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>you can be trans and russian actually


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>ukrainians are the real homosexuals actually

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>they don't even use the lemonparty

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Why so dead


Everyone left after you showed up sorry I had to be the one to tell you



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margarine I'm confused

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>I will never understand women.

>The ugliest women think they look like models and actual attractive women think they are average or below average


for the record actual models are ugly these days


is this really true..?


It's not however all adult media marketed towards women is about how mid 30's mid women can get a chad boyfriend too and how all attractive women don't need a man and they now teach in primary school how how ugly women deserve chad boyfriends too and women just blindly follow whatever media they consume so your options as a non chad are mid/attractive female manchildren who only consume media for kids like warriors/harry potter/pokemon or women who were living in a cult until 25 also note if you want a tomboy into gaming or other male centric media you are doomed since they all go after black men.

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who up goonin they mameson


who down chastin' too tama

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fuck bros its over

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3 gets this week
get it and link here niggas

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>glaceon isn't a sassy black woman


He's right though

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>posting bury pink girl


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On everyone’s soul(except my) we all be doing this


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