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/z/ - Z

dark kuzism won.
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1724568628245.gif (246.96 KB, 400x258, upkooz.gif)


17 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1724569446293.mp4 (2.09 MB, 576x824, 1720660360187.mp4)


File: 1724569512046.png (227.19 KB, 505x709, 1706893417491.png)


File: 1724569543328.png (11.95 KB, 430x491, 1704662075778.png)


File: 1724569573069.jpg (164.46 KB, 2000x2000, 1702553560445.jpg)


File: 1724569608018.png (4.96 KB, 249x178, ClipboardImage.png)

/z/ fucking won.

File: 1724524244201.jpg (90.2 KB, 689x857, kraine trvth.jpg)


18 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1724568334507.png (4.9 KB, 249x175, ClipboardImage.png)

we won.
<Flood detected; Post discarded.


do you have the other one i forgot to save them


File: 1724568857410.png (54.95 KB, 1091x1051, C.png)




File: 1724569082693.gif (881.85 KB, 255x192, chud angry.gif)


File: 1724566878791.png (244.81 KB, 308x427, 1681822735277.png)


>/z/ second most active board now.


/z/ won.


File: 1724567034104.png (488.17 KB, 1080x737, estonianwin.png)

i won.

File: 1724443045076.gif (358.73 KB, 400x533, Realistic Neutralplier.gif)


going to a market tomorrow, hope i find some hidden gems there.
6 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


it looks cool and i got it for cheap so who cares, i dont have the money for authenticity.


coperald, what are they for, a fucking cosplay?


File: 1724506728047.png (44.1 KB, 255x239, 1685195689106.png)

>>>184 (You)
>coperald, what are they for, a fucking cosplay?


You know im right doe, so dont take it personally. Prove you're high t and confront the old man.


im not there anymore.

File: 1724479471671.png (93.96 KB, 600x800, this fucking guy....png)


Kolymafag, you've been watching too much bald and bankrupt.


File: 1724479612794.png (20.89 KB, 719x805, kuzswede.png)



i dont watch it doe.

File: 1724352829177-0.png (642.03 KB, 975x543, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1724352829177-1.png (492 KB, 780x463, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1724352829177-2.png (341.6 KB, 600x600, ClipboardImage.png)




File: 1724354341916.png (1002.92 KB, 789x775, 1679433320532.png)


File: 1724398189619.gif (251.05 KB, 500x281, ukranian after getting dro….gif)



File: 1724419316487.jpg (77.84 KB, 1080x903, IMG_20240303_165922.jpg)


File: 1724399156556.mp4 (2.49 MB, 576x1024, ef7a72898f8372368deae17a9f….mp4)


good morning.
17 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1724408387309.png (744.34 KB, 1229x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

>>>>>>the videos your posting arent even funny it feels like your just bragging that you know russian and are posting random shit


File: 1724408593958.png (49.72 KB, 221x250, IMG_0690.png)

>>>>>>>the videos your posting arent even funny it feels like your just bragging that you know russian and are posting random shit


File: 1724408632450.png (1.27 MB, 1146x720, ClipboardImage.png)

>>>>>>>>the videos your posting arent even funny it feels like your just bragging that you know russian and are posting random shit


Neutral party observer here, this memeflaggot needs to update his boring ass soyfolder.


the gem that caused xim to resume gooning to tracer feet

File: 1724408309126.png (437.37 KB, 1135x967, ClipboardImage.png)


new 'toss


This was found in the wild right?



File: 1724355790113-0.png (373 B, 106x17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1724355790113-1.jpg (8.52 KB, 278x244, lew.jpg)

File: 1724355790113-2.mp3 (5.18 MB, ДЕНЬ ПОБЕДЫ Влад НЕЖНЫЙ.mp3)


etot den pobedu.


File: 1724356206387.png (626.12 KB, 2448x3264, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1724356238599.png (809 B, 345x20, ClipboardImage.png)

record heights.


File: 1724356292479.png (488.17 KB, 1080x737, estonianwin.png)


yay best board is alive

File: 1723665547345.gif (331.68 KB, 300x400, kuz musika.gif)




File: 1723665637154.mp3 (7.25 MB, live on, sharty.mp3)


File: 1723821673360.mp3 (2.75 MB, Принимай нас Суоми красави….mp3)


File: 1724158111215.mp3 (6.18 MB, Sörkän sällit - Åttopojat.mp3)

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