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/z/ - Z

dark kuzism won.
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File: 1724443045076.gif (358.73 KB, 400x533, Realistic Neutralplier.gif)


going to a market tomorrow, hope i find some hidden gems there.




File: 1724480546899.png (235.61 KB, 1059x929, 1722720898925-2.png)

>going to a market tomorrow, hope i find some hidden gems there.


File: 1724498137997.png (504.65 KB, 2448x3264, ClipboardImage.png)

there wasnt the guy i was hoping for with a shit ton of military equipment.


Hes not selling the medals of his dead family members, right?


i bought that from an old guy.


he wouldn't be selling his own medals
Probably fake.


it looks cool and i got it for cheap so who cares, i dont have the money for authenticity.


coperald, what are they for, a fucking cosplay?


File: 1724506728047.png (44.1 KB, 255x239, 1685195689106.png)

>>>184 (You)
>coperald, what are they for, a fucking cosplay?


You know im right doe, so dont take it personally. Prove you're high t and confront the old man.


im not there anymore.

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