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/z/ - Z

dark kuzism won.
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1719872484866-0.png (545.53 KB, 815x904, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1719872484866-1.png (435.94 KB, 654x883, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1719872484866-2.png (93.72 KB, 398x349, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1719872484866-3.mp4 (6.56 MB, 1920x1080, testvideo1.mp4)


or whatever.


long awaited gem that'll save the shemmy


add more stuff rather than make it the jacking off to kuz mod


Can someone link a focus/idea making tutorial. I have a bunch of free time and I'll help make some stuff.


watch some tutorial on youtube or something, i didnt watch tutorials really so i dont know what to recommend.


File: 1719920983760.jpg (26.59 KB, 553x506, nyYoqEWX.jpg)

u still using my flags nikka


File: 1719921500037.jpg (48.94 KB, 640x640, unnamed_24.jpg)




File: 1719932977891.png (11.38 KB, 92x72, imri1.png)

>>>30 (You)


File: 1719933005341.png (171.67 KB, 719x900, uijfdsafjsadf.png)

>>>>30 (You)


File: 1719933058517.png (80.83 KB, 627x627, 1698567165234.png)

>>>>>30 (You)


test. nigger,


File: 1719933617983.jpg (166.79 KB, 2048x2048, reddit realistic.jpg)

>test. nigger,


File: 1719933920695.png (1.48 MB, 1080x1440, frootslay.png)

>>test. nigger,


Froot won.


File: 1719934008387.png (89.61 KB, 169x255, 1699937115677.png)

>>>38 (You)
>Froot won.


post the icons please




Do CIA and NAS have portraits yet




they are aesthetically pleasing and i'd like to collect them


File: 1719934342016.png (365.22 KB, 2048x2048, 1701549325559.png)

>>>42 (You)
>they are aesthetically pleasing and i'd like to collect them
maybe when im finished with this project.


File: 1719934399418.gif (2.96 MB, 382x324, 1706585240302.gif)

what are you currently working on then




i guess ill finish the rest of the icons eventually.


kahen kilon siika


File: 1720266669422.png (861.18 KB, 1331x728, ClipboardImage.png)

found footage.




niggaaa finish this alreadyy


File: 1721485521462.png (35.75 KB, 810x1080, 1681146493906.png)

i lack the motivation or something.


File: 1721920207279.gif (10.55 MB, 320x568, 1711691965799j.gif)

but saar, think of the 'teens

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