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dark kuzism won.
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1730716589221.png (545.7 KB, 516x484, 1730714858484.png)


Hello shemmy. After careful consideration, I've decided to step down from my role. I don't feel that I am a good fit for this site nor that it is a good fit for me. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and am confident the next developer will bring more valuable skills to the site. Thank you for the fun times, and farewell.


Aww that sucks. Will you keep on posting on this site?


kek, its kino.
read more about him here btw https://wiki.qa2triots.win/Yotsubanigger


i added a section for resignation


uh oh
so uhh who knows a good developer @everyone


Fuck you kys nigger


File: 1730720527158.png (32.36 KB, 600x950, see on läbi.png)

its over.


File: 1730720740127.jpeg (68.94 KB, 1406x1440, itsbecauseyoutouchyoursel….jpeg)

>the next developer


File: 1730720854068.png (373.62 KB, 807x946, vse koncheno.png)


File: 1730720881326.png (225.86 KB, 433x544, its over....png)


File: 1730720896997.png (42.52 KB, 485x457, splice over.png)


File: 1730720903985.png (950.62 KB, 849x1350, over.png)


File: 1730720920761.webm (5.69 MB, 854x480, its_over.webm)


File: 1730720927465.png (55.76 KB, 756x744, it's fucking over.png)


File: 1730721024245.gif (2.31 MB, 508x604, 1704738699927.gif)


File: 1730721054232.png (35.75 KB, 810x1080, 1681146493906.png)


File: 1730721065458.jpg (2.84 KB, 94x125, 1633310201718.jpg)


File: 1730721115619.png (37.3 KB, 450x600, eto konets.png)


File: 1730721147629.webm (5.46 MB, 1280x720, sadness.webm)


File: 1730721207334.mp4 (18.77 MB, 1080x1634, 1664143029316.mp4)


File: 1730721232067.png (64.36 KB, 1099x1126, its never been more over.png)


File: 1730721332485.gif (623.98 KB, 600x1053, 1704142275379.gif)


Oh My God He Is So Attractive


File: 1730722644075.png (378.73 KB, 901x1025, dorgle.png)

i'll miss you lil bro


File: 1730722992935.png (19.65 KB, 1209x904, 1702131657738.png)

>xe left me on read.


File: 1730723494818.png (33.66 KB, 346x314, ClipboardImage.png)


of course i wake up to this


File: 1730724086800.jpg (323.58 KB, 1917x2048, 20241030_114113.jpg)

Goodbye have a nice life


php time


bleed out doddercuck i think


File: 1730725750987.mp4 (10.44 MB, 640x338, Доктор Бонов скорбит по Ан….mp4)


File: 1730726519261.png (58.32 KB, 255x255, 1730567743201.png)

>the only developer left AGAIN


i wish you good luck


no but poly deserved to leave




File: 1730732695758.png (87.7 KB, 478x640, it's over gapejak.png)


File: 1730732964739-0.png (62.01 KB, 246x242, Yotsuba2.png)

File: 1730732964739-1.png (191.82 KB, 640x800, 1702124881542.png)


i miss her so much…


File: 1730735957205.jpg (1.94 KB, 125x115, nuked jak.jpg)





i cant believe shes really gone bros

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