"I’m going to be honest, rulecucking is gay as fuck, but we still need guidelines to not self destruct instantly." -svvt
You WILL NOT post, upload, request, or link to anything that is illegal in the United States. This includes:
Child sexual abuse material (any obscene content of a person or fictional character under 18 (Also including "lolicon"/"shotacon" as well as child erotica).
Credible threats to commit violence.
Doxxing with the intent to harass or put someone in immediate danger.
You WILL NOT post promote pedophilia, zoophilia, and zoosadism (even if ironic).
This includes posting variants such as Soylita and Shoyta.
You WILL NOT post non-spoilered NSFW content on any boards.
You WILL NOT create threads for the expressed purpose of dumping NSFW content on any boards, this is not a porn site.
You WILL NOT take part in hostile offsite communities who are proven to be; those of who intend to purposely break the rules, raid the site, or otherwise put the website in danger.
You WILL NOT excessively spam posts on the catalog in an attempt to "wipe" a specific board.
You WILL NOT enter this site unless you are over the age of sixteen (16).
You WILL eat the bugs.
You WILL live in a pod.
You WILL own nothing and you WILL be happy.
Ban lengths
Ban lengths are meant to be very short but can increase if you are continuing to break a specific rule. This changes if you are doing something illegal which will cause you to be permanently banned.
If you feel like your ban was unjustified, then file a ban appeal. If your explanation for why you should be unbanned is reasonable then it may be accepted by staff.
Grey Areas
There are grey areas sometimes within the rules that may confuse users and even staff on what is and isn't breaking the rules. Here's a list of some specific examples of what some grey zones are, more may be added in the future if needed.
Manual spam inside of threads is allowed even if it is excessive, it is only rule breaking if you are doing it excessively on the catalog.
The variant "soylita" is not banned in of itself here but posting anything of this variant that's in a sexualised context is not allowed and will result in a removal and or ban.
Moderation rules are still in effect but will be kept seperate from this page.