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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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 No.7056[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hello /qa/. Vadim and I will be hosting a Q&A session in this sticky. Feel free to ask us any question about the site and what not.
272 posts and 93 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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How do we tell him?


shoally lost, get over it


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>banned until the end of time by doddermodd because of Post posted


Poly, I know you really hate swinnies but I don't even know if you should get some developer lessons from Yar at this point since the shoaly is really a sinking ship


That's what the post you're replying to implied. I haven't done anything for the shemmy for almost a week now. Why do you think the current state is like this? I've been busy and tired and don't wanna deal with Quote's nonsense. The 800 IP whitelist was just the last straw for me.

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To; Jan T. Itter.
The discord links can still be seen in the ban page


thats sinister shemmycuck

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fuck this website

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>be chinnykek
>has no friends outside of /pol/ namefags
>shitposts 24/7 on his shitty /pol/ splinter of a shitty /pol/ splinter of a shitty soyjak splinter of a shitty anime imageboard
>seethes so much about "DAAAA MORALFAAAAGS" to the point he wants bmt and loli to be allowed just to spite them
>completely fine with a pedophillic discord server to freely show up and go about their day on his site
>site shuts down because their admin is sick of chinnypedos shit
>go to the shemmy because those hecking sharty moraltroons are too cucked
>be mad you can't post a specific thing
>constantly seethe about a rule so you can seethe about more rules once the jannies get tired of your shit
>continue for infinity
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this is the zartycuck btw


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i love meaningless meta slop, there is an almost ethereal high that can never quite be reached. when you get that lengthy reply it feels better than any drug. my ancestors were noblemen its my blood memory that makes me crave it


it's just sandaryan and the totencuck, they killed the chinny, i was a chinnycuck and i am a normal person


nobody even posts soylita doe, it's just the serbcuck, other chinnycucks and even the discorders don't post soylita (the discorders post real 'p)


seethed about the zarty again award

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home(cuck) aspects as rizz
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Gemmy and I'll probably add it in later + I'd probably use life evendoe I never read homeshart and i just like green.


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one month ack


i dispose them alot but is new year ack. and almost shemmite anviesery. things feel too important now. somewhat of a dream anyways. than one literalwhom

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Quote, you naughty little whore, you… Get over here and pleasure me…


bait sniped from q3 by the sharty overlord Chud(You)


dodde clitty leakage.86


dodderkike would never say such aryan words, chud.


get back to drawing soyjak gay porn woman

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this sucks

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>>>/soy/ - Locked
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last post from dobkun came 11 days ago.
he is currently carrying the whole /raid/ board of our precious website on his back.
without him, important threads would die.


you can also find him on /pol/, defending his precious country and debunking russopedo psyops


thus, the dnb named shemmy would die in approx. 3-4 weeks. this is true


swinnycucks are underage faggots who take woahjake sites too seriously


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Bring back attention whore AMAs

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Question for every mod
How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast today
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


>t. posted yaoi the first day he became a janny


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What are you talking about nigger?


aren't you porchnigger


>immediately went silent
kek we know about the manime yaoi quit the damage control lil nigga


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That guy posting manime yaoi on his first day sounds pretty cool.

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