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welcome to the shemmy archive..... for projects the admins were working on check out wolfboard.org sometime ill always be here welcoming you!

The Shemmy

Home of all Gemeralds.

"Autistic minds discuss gems or however the cheeseburgers are cooked" - Soyberg

New IRC Channel for The Shemmy! — by poly at 10/28/24 (Mon) 15:44:47

Hello everyone!

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new IRC channel, #shemmy, on Rizon! This channel will be the primary hub for getting accounts on Shemmy and connecting with other users.

For more information on how to connect to IRC, check out our guide: https://soygem.party/irc.html

New theme — by Codefag at 09/04/24 (Wed) 20:37:19

"Future" has won the theme contest, and as promised, for one day, it would be the default.
This default will revert back to the gem theme tommorrow.
Good job chuddies!

Welcome to Soygem.party — by admin at 05/24/24 (Fri) 22:12:28

Read the rules here: https://soygem.party/rules.html
Read the FAQ: https://soygem.party/faq.html

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