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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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File: 1736031924724.gif (842.88 KB, 384x384, 1710836406950-1.gif)


How the actual FUCK does this website get ddosed so often? Post logs, any information you have about the traffic and what you have already done to stop the problem.


teach vadim how to backup a vichan instance first


no replies award


inb4 poly realizes he was unable to save this shithole and has health issues from the condition of his new apartment


File: 1736043171751-0.png (1.49 MB, 1200x908, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1736043171754-1.png (336.81 KB, 474x316, ClipboardImage.png)

>post logs


lol someone should draw this like the eastern european commie block living subhuman he is with eyebags and a cig doomer style


rsync -azP log-file=/path/to/backups/logs/$(date +\%s\%3N).log stats –delete <user>@<address>:/path/to/vichan/ /path/to/backups/


what do you need blue text for? it has no meaning


File: 1736105119134.webp (20.53 KB, 612x362, african-american-woman-wi….webp)

>what do you need blue text for? it has no meaning

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