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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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File: 1732119713307.jpg (102 KB, 640x480, ECP_00025.jpg)


Finally accounts are gone. I haven't used this site in 4 months. Been here since the very inception of the site. I was in the 4chan raids, the whiteboard raids, the brickhill raids, all that shit. What has happened since I was gone?


literally absolutely nothing happened


we have new admins or something


Who are they? What happened to svvt?
Not surprised.


svvt left a long time ago, doddermodd and vadim (oldfag jannies) are admins now


I've heard of doddermod already but not Vadim.


his qna is still on >>>/sgp/5820


welcome back pool


jack fucking shit happened


vadim moved the servers to russia and unbanned child porn for a while but had to ban it again after some obsessed shartycuck reported our site to the FBI


is this real?


It was some child support organization not the FBI but yes

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