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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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File: 1732125151654.png (389.95 KB, 716x687, ClipboardImage.png)


The only reason you wouldn't rather be female is because you were brainwashed by society into feeling ashamed of anything too "girly" since you were a kid. "That's gay", or "you throw like a girl" etc etc. This conditioning runs deep

There are really no positives to being male, it's just life on Nightmare difficulty. You don't need to be able to MOVE BIG OBJECT or fight in modern society. Being male is one big exercise in dissociation, you can never have complete presence of mind because then you're conscious of being in this inferior and less comfortable body. A lot of misogyny is just jealousy of women for this reason

It's better to be cute and weak than ugly and strong, even if that comes with being treated like an incompetent child.


post your leg nigga


im cute AND weak AND male what about that



ew what


File: 1732125825372.jpg (65.42 KB, 800x800, you and my fist.jpg)

hit your arm really fast see what happens nigga

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