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/z/ - Z

dark kuzism won.
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1719850932079.gif (295.1 KB, 500x500, kuz rossija.gif)


i won.
7 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




Russia won
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1719957630371.mp4 (4.12 MB, 1280x720, voland.mp4)

File: 1735690029447.jpeg (65.81 KB, 399x393, 1735690025756.jpeg)


Welcome to /bbc/ - BLACKED

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Outside of BBC, this board also allows discussion of white genocide and how to cleanse the world of wh*te "people"

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File: 1735646349922-0.png (130.68 KB, 1300x1830, koozfinal2.png)

File: 1735646349922-1.png (131.58 KB, 1300x1830, koozfinal1.png)


made these kuzzies yesterday



File: 1735590362276.png (390.63 KB, 744x622, 1735145714511.png)


hey toss
is your stone running


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File: 1730088360097.png (88.89 KB, 940x992, polyjak.png)

 No.1351[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

223 posts and 97 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Oh my fauci he's back


File: 1735284870637.png (Spoiler Image, 190.38 KB, 1250x795, 1735262644269.png)




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Every images in this thread is missing

File: 1733743167566.png (15.22 KB, 228x255, ClipboardImage.png)


remember when supporting k*z was considered kino before proof of him being 100% a child pred/pedo dropped?


File: 1733761354506.png (35.75 KB, 810x1080, 1681146493906.png)


supporting kuz was kino before he took over because im a subversive jew who always goes against authority


i like kuz the character/persona but not carter

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File: 1726863478060-1.mp3 (4.28 MB, Network Red - Russian Melo….mp3)


7 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1733117880928.gif (331.68 KB, 300x400, kuz musika.gif)


File: 1733842747712.mp3 (2.64 MB, Пусть Качает.mp3)


File: 1733979209741.mp3 (5.21 MB, В Отсеке.mp3)


File: 1735361937584.mp3 (5.42 MB, Демократска НАТО Армија.mp3)


File: 1735482458410.mp3 (4.91 MB, mu aadress on NSVL.mp3)

File: 1735186503963.png (100.88 KB, 600x800, 1735186494119.png)


>Mametchi 'soygak

File: 1734650571064.mp4 (1.3 MB, 576x1024, 1734650475573.mp4)


Prigozhin resurrecting himself to take the throne after Putin's death, circa 2035.


this will happen.

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