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/j/ - Janny

claim your free hotpockets here
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Mod rules

  1. Jannies and Moderators are not allowed to publically reveal if they are a staff member, alongside not being allowed to use their capcode on any board outside of /sgp/ or are given premission from a manager or higher to do so.
  2. You will NOT act like "coal police". Staff are encouraged to only take actions on posts that break the rules if seen as such. you will be warned if your action isn't justified.
  3. Jannies and Moderators are expected to be actively doing their jobs. So if it's been seen that a staff member has been inactive for a week without proper reason, it will result in first a warning. then a termination of their staff account.
  4. Avoid posting pictures or revealing parts of the mod interface (in almost all cases unless permitted to do so). This includes cloaks (which should be treated as bare IP addresses) and also includes showing post history (unless the user gives consent to it for example a post history thread).
  5. When it comes to mod discipline, it is important that moderators do everything to not breach these rules and the regular rules as well. They will be given warnings but may have the possibility of their staff account being demoted or terminated if the offense continues.

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I've talked a little about how we're gonna hopefully save the site with some of the oldfags on the staff.
Here are some of the things i've taken away from those discussions.

1. We have to take breaks to try and not get overwhelmed and burnt out. One of the biggest reasons why things are so fucked right now is the fact me and alot of the upper staff are burnt out trying to hold things together and only just makes our energy worse the more we try to push through.

2. We are going to need to innovate and stop focusing on drama. We've barely even been able to address alot of the issues plaguing the site sometimes, there have been alot of great ideas thrown around for the developer to work on. I think it's important we take this time of less activity to focus on implementing many things that'll hopefully give other posters on other sites to stay here.

3. Quality Control, yay or nay? I think one of the biggest issues we've seen as of late is the awfulness of how /soy/ can be sometimes, especially shit that's centered around namefags and meta drama. We could potentially enforce some light quality control to hopefully curb some of this discussion which has only made our situation worse as of late.

4. Moderation reform, I want moderators to be active and happy of course, but at the same time it's extremely hard to really get it to work in the end. I hope to try and address these problems later on. It'd also be beneficial to let moderators have the ability to fight botting by being able to use things like bidenflare and such.

For now these 4 things are what we should really work on going forward.
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>the developer
wait was it debunked not to be albert or something? why are you just referring to them as the developer


i'm not sure if i followed all that correctly kek. I was gone for most of that happening


the dev is a different person, i guess we just dont know what to call her since the name poly was a bad idea.


thank you mutty mutt


nothingburger award

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make /j/ have infinite pages o algo


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 No.3583[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hello everyone! As you know, the former developer of this site has resigned, so I am here to take his place. I go by yotsubrah in the unseen parts of the internet, but you can call me poly. Someone here even mentioned the name Polesuba and I like that as well.

I have already added two revamped features to the site. You can now enable or disable filename stripping in the Options menu and you now also have the option to greentext quote or orangetext quote even based on selected text!

You can ask me anything in this thread or simply give me a list of suggestions of what sort of features you'd like to see in the site. I'm glad to be apart of this site and I hope it goes in a good direction in the future.
178 posts and 58 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>my cellular data is so bad that posting from TOR is faster and easier


not how that works retardchad


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i miss her so much…


bbc or bwc @poly



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deadest nigger of a board award

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Do I have a capcode as a janny? o algo
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


no you dont saar


test o algx




Supreme retardGOD



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why the fuck is cat gore spam so common here, we need a more long-term solution than just hoping somebody B&D's it


yeah but almost nobody can do that



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oh geg, it works

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