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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1714043745516.jpg (66.99 KB, 998x1099, 1710376193934.jpg)


do you think ai art will replace us niggas


i do not care
i draw because it's fun, i don't really have any plans to make a career out of it


File: 1714044423927.gif (12.16 KB, 112x112, 1712668918285.gif)

>i do not care
>i draw because it's fun, i don't really have any plans to make a career out of it


personal art will always have value on its own
that said i would approve of big companies that use AI getting raped because it's cucked as fuck to let them earn big bucks off of some fags that did it for free


call me when ai can generate sean


it probably can if you know how to
pixai doesn't take many images for training btw


Depends. The problem I have with AI art is how limited it is and you have to write a wall of text to generate one character whose name won't make AI generate it.
Also, it will be ruined by rules like you won't be able to ask it to generate Hitler and Stalin balling on the MOON!

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