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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1729682186329.png (29.87 KB, 443x237, ClipboardImage.png)


What happened to the "shitty coaly oekaki" thread?
link https://soygem.party/art/res/1408.html
'chive https://archive.ph/MWdGm


that thread suddenly disapeared today for some reason


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reposting oekaki from that thread (not all of them are in the 'chive)


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i deleted it because i don't like it anymore. i must admit doe, i do find some of my oekakis funny (like the squirreljak one)
right now i don't feel like it to draw and post on the shemmy, sorry. i still remember that someone asked me to draw doctos, but i can't tell if i'm going to deliver it or not - at least for now
i really wasn't expecting that someone will like this thread keeeeek, thanks i guess


maybe there will be "shitty coally oekakis thread part 2" in the future, but not right now


File: 1729794737484.png (26.05 KB, 600x450, 13.png)

No problem. Thanks for answering by the way.


brought it back >>1887

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