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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1733165347858.png (105.88 KB, 649x700, image-372.png)


I always liked magma's pencil brush but they have no magic wand tool so I don't use it seriously

I was very close to using it seriously doe there was an era where aggie/magma was my main program


cartoon styles are nice so this is nice


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my first decent attempt at spark the electric jester since I bought the game after it went on sale


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haven't felt a good urge to draw in a couple days which spurs the worrier inside me because I value productivity but I know forcing myself to try and make cool stuff is dangerous


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reviving an ancient joke sonic oc i made like 10 years ago into something with an actual story as an excuse to try more sonic stuff


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toei sonic my beroved….


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im on da wiki guyz….i feel so valid o algo


good thread


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every time i wash my glove i am reminded of how gross it gets

fuck you huion


nigga still uses the glove


aye NEED the glove


kek fail


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come here


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finally started another page

it's always a paper (or should I say digital) tiger idk why I get so sour on drawing seriously when I not only have all the time in the world but it's easy as pie


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trying to build a gaming pc so I drew this


sorry that i keep drawing noise he's just piss easy to draw


do requests mane


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ok fine

give me requests, shemalies


svvt looking at the shemmy’s tombstone


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can you pretty please draw soyfan and nate?


do this


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holy gem


draw poly

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