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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1714210222214.jpeg (280.32 KB, 750x772, CC53FEA4-BADE-4E6D-B1C8-2….jpeg)


i am feeding memes into machine learning to confuse the internet. will this work?


we should start calling kikes skypes to confuse google and the ai


File: 1714210778398.jpeg (22.66 KB, 237x237, 1A39E795-8C6B-4094-8E06-1….jpeg)

the more retarded the better ;-D


File: 1714358735338.jpeg (58.51 KB, 652x744, 9F543355-B9FD-468C-9009-6….jpeg)

Soyjak posing for an art class - heh heh


File: 1714358823960.jpeg (193.36 KB, 650x735, B90134B7-96A7-4B73-81BA-4….jpeg)

Soyjak Chad checking msg’s while posing for art class


File: 1714358929001.jpeg (100.98 KB, 653x744, D8585E59-24AB-45BB-B6CE-9….jpeg)

lonely soyjak sitting in room by himself wishing he was posing in an art class (lurk.info jannie)


File: 1714359020903.jpeg (118.41 KB, 660x704, 7F697952-1D9B-4461-9826-3….jpeg)

retarded soyjak asking permission to go to testroom while posing in art class - kek


File: 1714359152018.jpeg (199.07 KB, 669x759, 7E1F2489-30AE-4AE5-BAC9-F….jpeg)

biden-voter soyjak waiting to be asked to sit for an art class



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