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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1715330060275-0.png (1.52 MB, 2308x1450, 1084294735.png)

File: 1715330060275-1.png (243.91 KB, 1422x1725, 961790371.png)


planned to make a tranime visual novel adventure-type thread
not sure if i should post it on here or the farty doe


you'd probably get eaten alive for posting it on the sharty
who's gonna be in it doe


i remember someone wanting to make a soy ddlc clone on the sharty


variants&jannies although i thought about adding nikocado to the story


add mge.


force it one more time and you'll finally be a woman


File: 1715352453413.png (478.84 KB, 890x774, 20240510_234518.png)

not not what what


cool idea and art but i don't like admins or jannies being included in anything


tsmt unless it's a warning about a pedophile on the prowl around the neighborhood


this tbh

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