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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1716816470974.png (1.52 MB, 1099x1383, ClipboardImage.png)


starting to do trad art since my tablet pen is broken and i cant do anything about it until my new pen arrives in the mail, ill try posting more drawings im making on my sketchbook ITT


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got a little lazy with this drawing of sanae, think ill try drawing some other characters than just froggy girls


gemmy trips


these look good
never understood how people draw in trad so well
my trad drawings look like dohshite
now that i think about it i should probably post them sometime
the shading you do is neat


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i didnt even notice gloink
just try laying down colored pencils and lightly use markers over, i used a blue pencil since id overlay green and blue's usually tend to shade greens nicely


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im starting to run out of ideas, does anyone want something requested?


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draw xer please 🙏


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here you go, had to rush it since im going to the supermarket for a little


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GYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!! thank you xir science bless you


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my mom actually has a fuck ton of supplies but i'm too lazy to use them. that's a neat trick so that's what the digital layer modes are based on or something
draw xim


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Hello, next day is here and art requests are done
I dont like kuz but hey, gotta do it for free
green boyo


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Draw Lee






holy gem!


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draw this or something


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i got my tablet pen so digital art can be done


this drawing

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