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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1717760522742.gif (988.82 KB, 700x800, 1717711221238x-1.gif)


revive this board now


drawing takes time, chudcel


File: 1717760847386.png (522.56 KB, 1487x744, ClipboardImage.png)

keeeeeeeek this site is finished. you finally removed the awful captcha but it's too late now lol.


mental illness the post
why are kiwiniggers some of the dumbest users on the internet


of course it was the mymy guy
albeit i dont like the current manager either


cope. the overboard is almost all tranny posts. it's over.


im not coping the decision is retarded


File: 1717770285964.jpg (13.82 KB, 368x358, 1717260145638.jpg)

>mental illness the post
>well okay i agree with the post but still


im 663 retard



pack it up, its over

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