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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1719276502261-0.png (500.11 KB, 1712x2160, 822eb879-1289-47e9-9a74-89….png)

File: 1719276502261-1.jpg (129.16 KB, 1080x936, Screenshot_20240625_103604….jpg)

File: 1719276502261-2.jpg (168.25 KB, 1080x1984, Screenshot_20240625_104413….jpg)


My improvements in drawing, i looked through my old shitty tndchan drawings and compared them to current ones.


Is this a accurate assesment?


this shit sucks and still looks like a child drew it




I am aware of this fact, just dont know how to actually improve




I guess ill read it


I would suggest learning how to draw skeletons first, not as in learning perfect anatomy under the skin and muscles, but as in just drawing skeletons themselves. I've noticed a marked improvement in my anatomy that way, especially for faces. Practicing with more forgiving designs like Pokémon is also good but I only suggest that because I draw those for fun, perhaps something you're into could have the same benefit.


is that one on the right named Irene by chance?



geg I remember you making a post on the xitter and asking for an name, it's me Munster


File: 1721068076399.jpg (8.63 KB, 250x250, 1721063118210.jpg)


Kill yourself australian twittertranny femboy faggot


File: 1721293116097.png (16.8 KB, 194x260, hjqwhacjb.png)

>Kill yourself australian twittertranny femboy faggot


Nah dont think i will

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