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/j/ - Janny

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I've talked a little about how we're gonna hopefully save the site with some of the oldfags on the staff.
Here are some of the things i've taken away from those discussions.

1. We have to take breaks to try and not get overwhelmed and burnt out. One of the biggest reasons why things are so fucked right now is the fact me and alot of the upper staff are burnt out trying to hold things together and only just makes our energy worse the more we try to push through.

2. We are going to need to innovate and stop focusing on drama. We've barely even been able to address alot of the issues plaguing the site sometimes, there have been alot of great ideas thrown around for the developer to work on. I think it's important we take this time of less activity to focus on implementing many things that'll hopefully give other posters on other sites to stay here.

3. Quality Control, yay or nay? I think one of the biggest issues we've seen as of late is the awfulness of how /soy/ can be sometimes, especially shit that's centered around namefags and meta drama. We could potentially enforce some light quality control to hopefully curb some of this discussion which has only made our situation worse as of late.

4. Moderation reform, I want moderators to be active and happy of course, but at the same time it's extremely hard to really get it to work in the end. I hope to try and address these problems later on. It'd also be beneficial to let moderators have the ability to fight botting by being able to use things like bidenflare and such.

For now these 4 things are what we should really work on going forward.


>Quality Control
this is the single worst problem of an imageboard and was what killed the jarty. There quite literally isn't any good answer to it.

Restricted posting and bans makes people not want to post, but a coal catalog makes people not want to post. The best solution I have is just to have a very small set of global rules for global jannies and let users post block lists to have an opt-in janny system. That way, users themselves can hide content they don't want to see.

>It'd also be beneficial to let moderators have the ability to fight botting by being able to use things like bidenflare and such.

I suggest adopting some of the old soyjak.in tech if possible. having a captcha be computationally expensive discourages botting. Having an automod bot for auto reporting offending content is good too (I have this set up. its AGPL so if you guys use it you gotta release your source code for changes).

Also, open source the code for the damn site. I know you fags got some good patches lying around! Even I could do this. If you're worried about froot taking them, slap the AGPL on them so he has to open source the sharty's vichan fork too.


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>would make the shemmy even more of a dead nigger.


>this is the single worst problem of an imageboard and was what killed the jarty. There quite literally isn't any good answer to it.
I know, and people will have piss baby meltdowns over a little bit of it. it's sad but I think it's already been made clear that alot of the nusoyim do not like how our catalog looks most of the time, although I want to send meta discussion straight to /sgp/ but getting mods to do this was always troublesome.
>I suggest adopting some of the old soyjak.in tech if possible. having a captcha be computationally expensive discourages botting. Having an automod bot for auto reporting offending content is good too (I have this set up. its AGPL so if you guys use it you gotta release your source code for changes).
This should be brought up to the developer but even then we're still heavily short handed on what we can do now since our main coder left.
>Also, open source the code for the damn site. I know you fags got some good patches lying around! Even I could do this. If you're worried about froot taking them, slap the AGPL on them so he has to open source the sharty's vichan fork too.
don't have control over this o algo


I can janny sometimes I just don't wanna be super important anymore
I plan on making my own non-soy sites


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its fine little buddy


>very small set of global rules for global jannies and let users post block lists to have an opt-in janny system. That way, users themselves can hide content they don't want to see.
We did talk about this, it's honestly a great system, only barrier here is having someone willing and skilled enough to implement this in whatever imageboard server software we'll be using going forward. This leads into the next point;
>(2, "need to innovate" … "alot of great ideas thrown around for the developer to work on")
I'm still very adamant on having live posting, the difference in functionality is quite dramatic. Just the advantage of appearing more alive with less actual traffic is very attractive. It is more than a gimmick. I'll leave it at that for now.
>(1) & (2, "and stop focusing on drama")
I hadn't been paying much attention to the site the past few weeks or so since it seemed to be an endless barrage of drama. If people perceive that we're back to our usual laid back atmosphere I don't doubt that we'll be back. The problem is maintaining that without tensing back into drama-mode: quality control would no doubt be necessary.
Lute's moderation infrastructure proposal applies. I could add that if the soyim's morale is high then generally the moderation's will be as well.
>open sourcing, relicensing to AGPL
Lovely by me, I'm a freetard, but I'm unfortunately not in control of that.
The froot part is of course wishful thinking, you know how many cases of (A)GPL violations without repercussion there are in the wild. They'd probably not care unless we applied legal pressure.


Capcode fixed…


>the developer
wait was it debunked not to be albert or something? why are you just referring to them as the developer


i'm not sure if i followed all that correctly kek. I was gone for most of that happening


the dev is a different person, i guess we just dont know what to call her since the name poly was a bad idea.


thank you mutty mutt


nothingburger award

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