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/j/ - Janny

claim your free hotpockets here
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File: 1727216876918.png (66.65 KB, 676x707, janny coalson.png)


Mod rules

  1. Jannies and Moderators are not allowed to publically reveal if they are a staff member, alongside not being allowed to use their capcode on any board outside of /sgp/ or are given premission from a manager or higher to do so.
  2. You will NOT act like "coal police". Staff are encouraged to only take actions on posts that break the rules if seen as such. you will be warned if your action isn't justified.
  3. Jannies and Moderators are expected to be actively doing their jobs. So if it's been seen that a staff member has been inactive for a week without proper reason, it will result in first a warning. then a termination of their staff account.
  4. Avoid posting pictures or revealing parts of the mod interface (in almost all cases unless permitted to do so). This includes cloaks (which should be treated as bare IP addresses) and also includes showing post history (unless the user gives consent to it for example a post history thread).
  5. When it comes to mod discipline, it is important that moderators do everything to not breach these rules and the regular rules as well. They will be given warnings but may have the possibility of their staff account being demoted or terminated if the offense continues.

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