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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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File: 1734447180540.png (82.93 KB, 300x250, 5344 - SoyBooru.png)


>>>/soy/ - Locked


wiki - vandalized
booru - flooded with nas coal
is that the best you shemalies can do?


File: 1734447339492.jpg (24.22 KB, 1075x1075, img_1_1732616454115.jpg)

Why the fuck is soy locked


>booru - flooded with nas coal
the jannies intentionally let them up because its not a rulecucked shithole like the soibooru


777 get stolen by TRVMP


File: 1734447443183.jpg (132.72 KB, 809x900, 5dd.jpg)

i wish it was more inflation porn




File: 1734447659207.jpg (77.1 KB, 1083x1083, wblci21qtyg21.jpg)

Unrelated but Why am i not on the wiki considering i've been here for as long as cobsonadult almost and contributed a decent amount to the site. Caused alot of spergouts too…


What is even going on right now why was /soy/ locked in the first place?


who are you?


shemalies lost


You uploaded them you dumb faggot.




Is it from the mud again?


nobody cares enough i guess idk
most of the people who have pages on the wiki are people commonly seen in cytubes, megaspergs, and shemmy staff i think
you can make your own page but i feel like that'd come off as attentionwhoring …..perchance


is this the guy that invented shitjaks? if so, i kneel




>You uploaded them you dumb faggot.
kek i knew it


i did not fag


kek it's literally the same IP. why are shartypedos like this?
no one even cares about gets on the booru niglet :skull:


mud you are a fucking traitor, please rope yourself as quickly as possible, i use tuxler to aid soy+swinnyteens btw thank you.


Literally who


>inflation fetish bait on the booru from my ip saar explain you shartypoopoogooner
we rape together using a custom tuxler build. that's it


the imagery comes from an anonymous teen


to the rope you go, traitor.


froot will not accept you again after the betrayal, you won't even become mustard's apprentice now


fucking liar scum


you had a chance to go big, and you missed it


no one is going to help you know anymore


sperging out because you were caught posting inflation porn gem


nice samefag claim, we have a whole raiding team and you have dead nigger babies instead of janitors


File: 1734504186744.png (5.51 KB, 312x293, GLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEG.png)

We're laughing at you in vc


not in the vc but i'm still laughing at him




that's not how tuxler works lil bro ☠️☠️☠️ blud thinks we're as tech illiterate as he is
>a whole raiding team
tranny cope + even if that is real it sounds an awful lot like a discord server


>dead nigger babies
yikes, did you just make a foodist reference? not looking good swinnypedos.


Oh wow you're very schizophrenic. Also it's alright I won't judge you for having a thing for Kirby inflation. (I will)


swinny reputation ruining samefagging plot or however the wiki is down yet again


also a friendly reminder that this might not be the real dobkun, he is usually impersonated by multiple boogeyman pedos on threads without IDs


and, the only thing that i can confirm (as a proud sw*nnycvck) is that dobkun vandalizes your wiki on a nearly daily basis, breaking templates and shitting on pages.


doddercord woke up and started to ban ip hopping deities from nujassy it seems


dodder hovewer is a pedopbile himself, along with cocksvorefreak16 and porchfag and also fer*lteen


and, the sharty is going to implement it's deadliest weapon 2025 /soon/ keep gooning to trannywave music with tadc vore and cock/anal vore pics while we are going to perfectly plan raids thanks to the new .feature
cockswhore is a poon and he always will be a poon


norwegian scum will be hanged


nigga you're literally him


mametchi will be beheaded. by a machete.
the chinaman fag will be roped for grooming kids on xwixxer.
all while you shemalies goon to tranny porn


nigga why are you monologuing in this thread like a cartoon villain pretending to be more than one person


kys norwegian scum


nigga why are you monologuing in this thread like a cartoon villain pretending to be more than one person


>us shemalies are racemix-free ool algo BRAAAAAPPPPPPP


we are the swarthy legion


we do not forgive
we do not forget


why did you """raid""" the wiki with your home IP btw


expect us


this is actually an ip cloaker that tranny jannies installed by an accident, BUT, we won't tell (((You))) to which component it is attached.


he will assrape your wiki
and we will keep the information safe


why do you post about protecting children from pedophiles on twitter all while spamming inflation porn on the booru? are you maybe a projecting pedophile tranny who will never be a woman?


our ip is, but even that is temporary


>same region as the wiki spam ip
worst cope ever award


garbage is garbage.
it obviously is going to get deleted.
but… the janny trannies are so busy stocking up on hotpockets, and thus, the post counter is not rolled back.
that's what he said


File: 1735414212460.png (36.38 KB, 1200x1200, pokey.png)

>swinny reputation ruining samefagging plot or however the wiki is down yet again
>also a friendly reminder that this might not be the real dobkun, he is usually impersonated by multiple boogeyman pedos on threads without IDs
>and, the only thing that i can confirm (as a proud sw*nnycvck) is that dobkun vandalizes your wiki on a nearly daily basis, breaking templates and shitting on pages.
>doddercord woke up and started to ban ip hopping deities from nujassy it seems
>dodder hovewer is a pedopbile himself, along with cocksvorefreak16 and porchfag and also fer*lteen
>and, the sharty is going to implement it's deadliest weapon 2025 /soon/ keep gooning to trannywave music with tadc vore and cock/anal vore pics while we are going to perfectly plan raids thanks to the new .feature
>cockswhore is a poon and he always will be a poon
>norwegian scum will be hanged
>mametchi will be beheaded. by a machete.
>the chinaman fag will be roped for grooming kids on xwixxer.
>all while you shemalies goon to tranny porn
>kys norwegian scum
>we are the swarthy legion
>we do not forgive
>we do not forget
>expect us
>this is actually an ip cloaker that tranny jannies installed by an accident, BUT, we won't tell (((You))) to which component it is attached.
>he will assrape your wiki
>and we will keep the information safe


porky lost


keep leaking shemalie.
swarthy legion is supreme


norwegian pedo dodder lost due to friendly fire. i hope this will make you smile




rizzfags will be hanged at gitmo /soon/
except for higson. he is a good man


last post from dobkun came 11 days ago.
he is currently carrying the whole /raid/ board of our precious website on his back.
without him, important threads would die.


you can also find him on /pol/, defending his precious country and debunking russopedo psyops


thus, the dnb named shemmy would die in approx. 3-4 weeks. this is true


swinnycucks are underage faggots who take woahjake sites too seriously


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