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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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File: 1731968022401.jpg (152.78 KB, 1116x1123, 20241118_141311.jpg)


Explanation in replys

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This is my first and only post here on soygem. I will not be responding to comments. I come from the left in a spirit of support; I do not want to alienate you.

After watching "The Alt-Right Playbook: How to Radicalize a Normie" it made me realize that many of you are simply lonely vulnerable cishet white guys who need a sense of community. I promise you that community does not need to be nazis.

To all the trolls who are trying to radicalize these young men, you are the problem. Re-evaluate your life and your choices. Take a moment to self reflect if this is who you want to be remembered as. Just remember the rest of the world hates you and your manipulative ways. A little compassion and empathy is all it takes to be welcomed back into society.


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>This is my first and only post here on soygem. I will not be responding to comments. I come from the left in a spirit of support; I do not want to alienate you.

>After watching "The Alt-Right Playbook: How to Radicalize a Normie" it made me realize that many of you are simply lonely vulnerable cishet white guys who need a sense of community. I promise you that community does not need to be nazis.

>To all the trolls who are trying to radicalize these young men, you are the problem. Re-evaluate your life and your choices. Take a moment to self reflect if this is who you want to be remembered as. Just remember the rest of the world hates you and your manipulative ways. A little compassion and empathy is all it takes to be welcomed back into society.




soycuckhold post worst poltard bait ever
asked to leave QAfe

File: 1731965527912.jpg (146.97 KB, 1170x782, 20241118_133141.jpg)


This thread 🗿

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>chuds are still using this image to cope

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stonetoss just released this


someone please post amerimutt for this yhvh slut sentiment


Cytube thread

File: 1731955370628.png (72.25 KB, 330x388, 1731726406160.png)


>servers regress 4 days
>shartyfujo wiki page is gone
errr does anyone have it saved i thought it was really funny…. erm
20 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1731961803844.png (514.86 KB, 1020x562, ClipboardImage.png)


i dont look Iike that


File: 1731963280798.jpeg (86.35 KB, 1080x707, 1731963272148.jpeg)

>shemmycucks cant archive stuff from the wiki that gets 4 edits per millenium outside of one wall of text page




nvm its still there im just retarded GOD BLESS

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Do any of you have friends in real life


we shemmycux are asocial lol

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>using any theme that isn't gem b


kys gemblee + satanic trips


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>kys gemblee + satanic trips

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> Playing funny silly music as you drive past me in a gray Chevrolet


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> Peeing on the bush and sniffing a rock.


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>switching over to the left turning lane


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> Staring at me with a white sweater in your hand.

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Did stonetoss hit with this one



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This is a slanderous falseflag. Yotsuba is a proud Pole since she's clearly rocking the flag colors with her shirt. Also, Dirlewanker was a pedophile.


Red and white are the colours of the nazi flag


File: 1731960184125.png (160.43 KB, 714x549, 1731960140177.png)

That's just retarded. Her shirt only bears the red and white colors meanwhile the Nazi flag bears red, white and black. Guess which one will share the most resemblance because of this.


kurwa cheeken :O>>367646

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