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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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Dead nigger site right now but that makes long projects easier o qualcosa.
Reply and I will draw in a new building or landform.
76 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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kill yourself obsessed faggot


gen i live there


gem* fuck my latinx gigachad life


add a soylent factory


make me a house with a big big porch

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>oh my god dude what if the irrelevant underage namefag nobody cares about had sex with the annoying underage namefag nobody cares about on a small soy imageboard


she's right


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all of you should rope this instant, i would not even remotely flinch if i found out most of this sites userbase is dead tomorrow. Just bleed out already.


even doe you love us


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Maybe in your nicest and sweetest dreams, darling. You are a nobody to me.

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Good morning shemmy. It's Tomo Thursday.
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>good morning my dear.


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Nigga, shut the fuck up and eat a brownie.
Weird quote, but good morning.


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Nigga shut the hell up before i eat your twinkie ass


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good morning

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Females will never understand the primal male urge to breed everything in sight


despite the fact that men demand women have big breasts/be attractive while women will have sex with any guy who isn't toxic and doesn't spend 12 hours a day playing video games


I'm a man and i do not have this urge

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I think trans people shouldn't be allowed in Europe because they didnt have sex with me.


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yikes just yikes


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I think trans people shouldn't be allowed in Europe because they're complete degenerates and a danger to our peaceful society.


i think it will have a bit longer in a while but it is not the same thing as a good one from me to the other side of a house for sale in a bit of the year but it is not a lot of people in their lives and they don't want niggerson to get into it


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What does /soy/ think of the goyim question
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jewish and proud.


jewish and proud.


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goyim don't have bbc or wakanda while blacks a.k.a the real jews have bbc and built wakanda (which is real)

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my babe just called me a BEE DOUBLE SEA TIM MEE CHAT and when i asked her what that means she told me to come to a sight called soygem.party so i came here
also why tf does it not let you post without images?
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your God


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I'm spiritual but not religious doe


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someone tell me what BEE DOUBLE SEA TIM MEE CHAT means


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please tell me i don't want to use this incel website anymore


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>gay people le good despite the fact that theirs an entire genre of gay art dedicated to extremely muscular men

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>Pages in category "English 4chan /lgbt/ slang"
>The following 31 pages are in this category, out of 31 total.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


bro all of these terms are so white they made me no longer nostalgic for all the gem media i watched growing up and lightened my eyes to a10


a gemmy post not made by me btw

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I really want to mod for this site but dodder is making it hard.
Today he messaged me saying this is required attire to continue modding and that I have to send him daily pics
Is it worth it idk what to do
(He has offered to buy me things including the clothes but I have to take more risky photos https://femzai.com/)
Ps to other mods did he send you the same thing?
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how do you know a site to get femboy clothes? uh… op? got smthing u want to admit?


whats gonna be ur excuse huh for posting this gay ass bait. i have a inbuilt gaydar i know a homo when i see one it comes with the being gay. and op is detected on my gay radar. gay guy who goons to this while posting this as ironic bait detected


dodder linked it to him? can you not read


no one would miss you

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