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/soy/ - Soyjaks

Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1731956889539-0.jpeg (545.62 KB, 2245x1239, IMG_5380.jpeg)

File: 1731956889539-1.png (161.85 KB, 885x730, OMGSISR.png)


2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Body mods - castration


File: 1731957250113-0.jpeg (18.33 KB, 641x137, IMG_5383.jpeg)

File: 1731957250113-1.jpeg (171.05 KB, 777x928, IMG_5384.jpeg)



that doesnt mean anything im just too lazy to crop anything out
i dont have a body mods-new sexual parts/software nonconsensually installed in robot victim fetish do i


File: 1731957657791.png (48.95 KB, 255x254, 1730143282052n.png)

Delete this shitty website


File: 1731957845893.jpeg (16.55 KB, 543x106, IMG_5385.jpeg)


File: 1731957247981.mp4 (32.62 MB, 1920x1080, Tyler The Creator - Answer….mp4)


Svvt come back for a qna please

File: 1731954105994.jpg (256.62 KB, 1080x2509, Screenshot_20241119_041900….jpg)


soyjakking is dead
9 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



It's been dead



this is alive


File: 1731957020369.png (615.79 KB, 735x564, 1731956825566.png)

I've been working for hours now since there was a lot more broken behind the scenes. I'll work on it tomorrow but feel free to report that along with any other bugs in the sticky.

File: 1731956342332.jpg (53.47 KB, 600x600, 1730987260543.jpg)


Fuck this dead shithole, I'm moving to an actually alive and good website like leftypol, goodbye shemmyshits


I got banned for a whole thrembo months on there

File: 1731956440390.png (116.69 KB, 720x1036, 21906 - SoyBooru.png)


>jack shit
>but honestly if i dont reply to bait eventually the bait goes away right

File: 1731956237537.png (50.06 KB, 520x664, 1731805825911.png)


>They don't even look that bad

File: 1731956050708.png (57.83 KB, 1080x257, Screenshot_20241118-105339.png)


>PPH is 0


File: 1731956147346.png (359.25 KB, 720x720, 3 - closed_eyes glasses la….png)

>its real

File: 1731955799125.gif (4.05 MB, 799x799, 1731357706209.gif)




File: 1731956104915.png (241.62 KB, 640x798, ClipboardImage.png)

>thanksgiving* (in theory)
likely a energy usurping ritual

File: 1731955733988.mp4 (24.77 MB, 1146x1080, 1731655763959.mp4)


>This product will not operate when connected to a device which makes unauthorised copies.

>Please refer to your instruction booklet for further information.

File: 1731955490834-0.png (84.28 KB, 340x392, ClipboardImage (1).png)

File: 1731955490834-1.png (32.42 KB, 255x247, SeethingSoyjak.png)


>I'm thankful for the dead nigger of a site soygem.party
<Son what are you talking about


File: 1731955678152.gif (2.24 MB, 640x640, 234_-_ChadBooru.gif)

>being thankful for imageboards over your family on Thanksgiving

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