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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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File: 1732059676403.gif (159.98 KB, 400x460, 1731699259963a.gif)


>shitting the shemmy into being a metadrama site fir two straight months after frootcord leaks and people want to move back to the sharty

>make the site so unenjoyable to use that 90% of people just went back to the datamining site rather than use that shithole

Kek, I guess my work here is done!

I pledge allegiance to the Frootcord and to orange man for which it chats. One man under God, invisible, with TND and BBC for all.


what is bro talking about


File: 1732060049287.gif (1.18 MB, 255x240, 1731524113747.gif)


File: 1732060166738.png (2.26 KB, 312x293, 1732060163910.png)


File: 1732060858421.gif (549.2 KB, 223x255, 1732060764049.gif)

>pretending your obnoxious seriousfagging that stopped you from actually making oc was actually part of an elaborate plan to shit up the site


File: 1732060969262.gif (235.88 KB, 240x426, autistist chuddy.gif)

>>pretending your obnoxious seriousfagging that stopped you from actually making oc was actually part of an elaborate plan to shit up the site


File: 1732061096230.jpeg (43.52 KB, 480x639, 1732061094954.jpeg)

>>>pretending your obnoxious seriousfagging that stopped you from actually making oc was actually part of an elaborate plan to shit up the site


File: 1732061121756.jpg (49.34 KB, 1051x981, E8hLionWUAs74c4.jpg)

>>>>pretending your obnoxious seriousfagging that stopped you from actually making oc was actually part of an elaborate pIan to shit up the site


File: 1732061197581.png (184.04 KB, 768x1024, 1732061192251.png)

>twitter filename
you lost boyo


File: 1732061268502.png (962.69 KB, 1000x1170, chadjakbwc.png)

twitter filename


stolen doe


File: 1732061296547.png (102.38 KB, 687x768, fact.png)

>stoIen doe



Cope before I impregnate you with my BWC


File: 1732061474952.jpg (51.08 KB, 612x408, 1732061465031.jpg)

horrible falseflag because turkey is black


Turkey is black, but why mention it randomly?



File: 1732061537992.jpg (280.9 KB, 1600x1138, 1724015954737w.jpg)

>Turkey is black, but why mention it randomly?




get back to bed gramps


confusing and terrible thread




Foodist seetherald GEG

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