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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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File: 1732071671940.png (56.54 KB, 591x591, feraljak_xitter.png)


>orthodox christinity is the only uncucked religion bro!
>no i've never been to a mass and i waste my day jacking off to lolicon on twitter i mean HECKING X.COM but thats le aryan or something because @Groyperelephant tusks88 said its hyperborean to be an unemployed pedophile or something like that


File: 1732077482268.png (359.1 KB, 930x869, when you a MAP.png)

>orthodox christianity is the only cucked religion sis!
>no i've never been to mass and i waste my day jacking off to lolicon on twitter in mean HECKING X.COOM but thats le wakandan or something cause @trumpisanasshole69 said its trans to be an unemployed pedophile or something like that

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