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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1724785078024-0.jpeg (736.99 KB, 1509x1490, IMG_1153.jpeg)

File: 1724785078024-1.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1710x1517, IMG_1155.jpeg)

 No.1061[View All]

too lazy to open der shardee.. too aryan to go to the jarty.. too pedophobic to join a s*yc*rd..
hi shemmy
165 posts and 98 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1730306303081.png (179.42 KB, 1500x1800, leaking dodderkike.png)

>>>1833 (You)
>no one looks like that




File: 1730374202530.png (65.42 KB, 179x272, ClipboardImage.png)

>will you have the soup or sage, xir?


blame malicious michelle's 2010 act that's what you get for appointing niggers as your pres, maybe vote trump you spic so he can deport you back to mexico with your jewish favela family


i didnt appoint anyone doe…. my valid latinx VVILL stay in america או משהו כזה


Can you draw pinejak?


File: 1730820761081-0.png (29.42 KB, 555x963, IMG_4391.png)

File: 1730820761081-1.png (28.82 KB, 555x963, IMG_4392.png)

File: 1730820761081-2.png (29.58 KB, 555x963, IMG_4393.png)

although it might take a while because im in the middle of making templates
i aryanheart making sure that there are aliased


File: 1730826361948-0.png (114.75 KB, 1066x2784, IMG_4395.png)

File: 1730826361949-1.png (115.92 KB, 1066x2784, IMG_4396.png)

File: 1730826361949-2.png (115.69 KB, 1066x2784, IMG_4397.png)

File: 1730826361949-3.png (108.92 KB, 1066x2784, IMG_4398.png)

more templates
i noticed that there wasnt a template for the smug soyak thing while i was looking for nates to seanify
ill try to release the actual template for this (lineart and stuff) later


Draw the ignored tama requests in https://soygem.party/soy/res/351834.html


i might but uuuuuuhrm it'll probably be a while before i draw anything because of the templates
i can try to contact jaika and remind her about it if u want


File: 1731009638169-0.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1303x1555, IMG_4516.jpeg)

File: 1731009638169-1.jpeg (239.42 KB, 1334x672, IMG_4517.jpeg)

>they can smell the shemmyness


very cool


File: 1731021941511.png (4.13 MB, 3508x2480, IMG_4528.png)

brush testing because i donwloaded a gorillion brush packs
thank you gringx ( ´ ▽ ` )




File: 1731028505296.gif (6.28 MB, 370x208, calmy.gif)

good soon to be night sagefag……..which is like evening for you i think i cant remember


File: 1731104503002.mp4 (130.84 KB, 640x360, Untitled.mp4)


burundian hands made this


File: 1731969209982.png (169.69 KB, 2388x1668, IMG_5432.png)

niggerson fanart


This is great fanart but he should have white skin with blonde hair and blue eyes you forgot that part


thank you but thats an unsubstantiated claim


File: 1732108099851-0.jpeg (237.54 KB, 855x1668, IMG_5570.jpeg)

File: 1732108099851-1.mp4 (424.19 KB, 720x720, y3R2GABXsS5-w4r_.mp4)

vvork tuah…. finish on that thang


the way you drew your self insert is faggier than the soyjak gay porn


File: 1732127705439.png (26.33 KB, 205x255, transheart.png)

thx babe :3


File: 1732129124279.jpeg (344.23 KB, 964x1595, IMG_5589.jpeg)

sketch o algo


File: 1732135553048.jpeg (585 KB, 1626x1660, IMG_5595.jpeg)

coloring it award




File: 1732159139728.png (2.25 MB, 2388x1668, IMG_5614.png)

study o algo alsi
>inb4 leakage
yes yes im an artfag foid in an imageboard of course im going to like her artstyle(lolis are BRIM but chibis are AWESOME)…fork found in kitchen come on now


hand is a little odd, otherwise its nice


muchos graxias :D


File: 1732221825209.png (436.79 KB, 2388x1668, IMG_5678.png)

i got bored during class and started working on this uhh bbrrrraaapp




Some of the drawing in this thread got vanished after the shemmy shut down for server maintenance. Can you post them here?


File: 1732668189130-0.jpeg (465.81 KB, 1532x695, IMG_4983.jpeg)

File: 1732668189130-1.jpeg (341.6 KB, 1523x881, IMG_4986.jpeg)

File: 1732668189130-2.png (1.2 MB, 2388x1668, IMG_5299.png)

File: 1732668189130-3.png (169.69 KB, 2388x1668, IMG_5432.png)

yes than kyou for askif :D


File: 1732675071876.png (1.2 MB, 2388x1668, IMG_6196.png)

brush testinny
chink artGODs won


File: 1732678786772.png (91.67 KB, 855x762, mymy gem.png)

no problem


File: 1732746014904.jpeg (399.8 KB, 2020x1530, IMG_6238.jpeg)

more brush testing brappppp


File: 1733367186270.jpeg (494.16 KB, 2179x1499, IMG_6623.jpeg)



File: 1733380144665.png (62.05 KB, 352x570, ClipboardImage.png)

issa shining gemerald




File: 1733403016138.jpg (40.31 KB, 604x405, 1731248478076.jpg)

muchos gracias mi amigxs <3


File: 1733414912026.png (106.3 KB, 1000x952, humejak.png)

I recognize ur art style did u ever make art of the doe deer in a forest?


File: 1733419465601.png (66.99 KB, 1200x864, 1730364451281.png)

no but i think ive seen it


File: 1733641830659.jpeg (580.21 KB, 1927x1030, IMG_6855.jpeg)

wip of a very overdue 'toss that i was supposed to do a gorillion years ago
i got distracted and played terraia till i got into hardmode in my main world 😫uuunnghhhhh😫ghhh😫😫😫😫uuuuuuuuuunnnhhhh fuckkkk oh my goddd hardmode oooreeee 😫hardmodeeeee oooorreeee mmmgghhhhhhh😫


stupid nigger learn to integrate


i was exaggerating you cuck


anyways i cant really type this down on my ipad because so ignore this o algo alsi yeah something like that idk its just stuff im looking into getting for christmas…o algo
(pod means print on demand and moq means minimum order quantity or something)
https://inkitlabs.com/ (no idea if it's up)
http://cpunltd.com/ (no idea if it's up either)
https://www.instagram.com/pins_factory_joey/ (https://www.evybenita.com/affiliate-links/)
https://melodycharms.com/ (apparently its either decent or complete shit)
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mk9wl0LiYNStnXxwHAE6hd4-uzDMhfvnHsh819KlQeA/edit#gid=0 ( https://www.reddit.com/r/artbusiness/comments/zbpjy2/ )
Native Northwest


File: 1734376095607.png (1.76 MB, 1080x1160, ClipboardImage.png)




Dead thread shut it down


What prompt did you use

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