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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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 No.1061[Last 50 Posts]

too lazy to open der shardee.. too aryan to go to the jarty.. too pedophobic to join a s*yc*rd..
hi shemmy




holy gems


thanks for the gold, kind strangers! 🤩 #AWESOME!


File: 1724953893247.png (716.92 KB, 656x513, ClipboardImage.png)

mame on muh calculator
i'll take a better picture later because im on a chromebook
also i drew my wife (soyak) again but it's on my ipad. sigh… we ipadaryans have such hard lives.


supercomputer ahh calculator


ACKtually its a TI-84 Plus CE calculator! the program used was PSHOP or whatever the wholesome


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File: 1724960164893.jpeg (745.32 KB, 1478x1372, IMG_1201.jpeg)

week old froll… or something ☝️



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thank you saaaar i appreciate it
anyways new 'tosses


its all over my screen!


File: 1725151399219.png (693.2 KB, 716x821, IMG_1245.png)





oh my goodness gracious


heh… arigato! 😅
give me something to draw btw plz i have to be in a car for a few hours and i'll probably have it done tomorrow or the day after because im a lazy little fuck




of who doe




File: 1725206824239.png (128.53 KB, 708x800, absolute fail.png)

draw my retarded fucking jaksona being chopped up i don't care fuck this music shit man


i'll finish my nate bodypillow drawing or something. his arm is cut off therefore it's guro o algo mi amigo
saaaaaar I WILL DO THIS SAAAAAAAAR it wont be guro doe ion fw dat cuz we coo like dat twin so it'll just be gore art (NOT GURO(NOT GORE PORN JUST GORE) ion fw dat i fw you but i cant do dat to my gang 😂😂😂


oy forgot to say thank you or something


nate body pillow drawing?


File: 1725568062134.png (633.7 KB, 676x1021, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1725938879568.png (119.15 KB, 1366x768, froll 1366x768-f661bd37ed1….png)

Ha Ha Hawk TUAH!
i was gonna try making froll stuff on picrew but nunat is workin bro ☠️ and shiettttttttttttttttttttttttttt aint no orange skin bro ☠️ so i just looked up anime kissing base
and im working on the guro stuff and shiiiiiiet.. but im drawing stuff on paper (we schoolaryans are white btw) so i'll probalt post those sooner or later. i have like a gillion billion gorillion traditionl drawings because i dont usually draw after school because im too tired to draw after schoo
and i think im sick
holy yapperoni nah bro goofy af^^^^ yapcord woke up nah only in ohior


forogt to say this butt obviodulyt this isnt actual art its jsut a recolor and shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet but im not going to kill a thread on /soy/ just to post this


>hey shartyfujo, what'cha drawing there?
>wait, are those two hairy fat men… kissing and fucking each other?
>*walks away*


made me giggle award
some kid actually walked up to me and asked "whatcha drawing" while i was drawing >>1117
i didnt say anything doe, i just ignored him because i dont like him which is valid (JUST LIKE MY LATINEXNESS) for reaons im too tired to remember


jewlet The Castrory


what happened?


please make more


marge (but if you're asking about the drawings, i;m just lazy)
will do saar


will you be okay with me posting fu/yumejo brim here? for some reason i don't like the idea of having my own thread


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File: 1725988848251-1.png (63.17 KB, 480x480, download (2).png)

i dont mind big buddy
+ desmos drawings from yesterday
god i wish i had a mouse for this stupid goybook


yaaaaaaaay, i drew some brim with sean. there are also like 5 other sketches with him but they're all too faily to be. also nice sketches


File: 1725989349530.png (132.06 KB, 542x501, ClipboardImage.png)

new suffering brimstone dropped
do not worry, he didn't die and recovered shortly after


wholesome 100


File: 1725991783171.jpg (85.75 KB, 1106x1012, 1704247941605.jpg)

>nice sketches
thank you fujoxister


File: 1726015901252.png (1.95 MB, 1800x1200, IMG_1429.png)


my idiot friend said that i should've added condoms on the bed man #wtf


gem. threesome when


File: 1726074583239.png (5.16 KB, 176x287, rapeson (1).png)

soon… soon…. have patience… your suggestive soyaoi will be delivered after 3 pm…




File: 1726085816384.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1891x1373, IMG_1452.jpeg)

im too lazy ti shade 'leno's shirt correctly but doll's hand is under his shirt because he's freaky like dat… 😍❤️👅


holy frick… its SO CUTE!


File: 1726102352154.jpeg (955.85 KB, 1909x1572, IMG_1482.jpeg)

thank hou…science gless ypu!


Fauci™ bless you with biblicaly accurate angels!
could you draw a wholesomejak making some cool flips on a skateboard pretty please?


now this is the definition of toxic yaoi, hahaha. gems


File: 1726172217064.png (291.79 KB, 529x753, ClipboardImage.png)

WHERE are my doddergems


we fujoARYANs transheart toxic yaoi o algo alsi


you were saying about something along the lines of
>doddersona baking a cake


ohhhh right
im working on a wordswordswords project and i have liek 2 drawings im prioritizing at the shloment


File: 1726268701985.png (19.91 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

im typing with it bro👈👈☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ only in ohio!


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project thing


ignor the last one ill probably make it look better later


File: 1726269704825.jpeg (451.57 KB, 1940x1333, IMG_1555.jpeg)

last thing before i get back to slaving away on my ipad


ooh what is this


type of images that would be scraped and put on one of those free png sites that show up at the top of google images


>ignor the last one ill probably make it look better later
also before anyone points it out YES im gonna flip the shading yes thats like the only thing that's wrong with it
i made the ball first, then the mameson, then the 'tan. i realized that how it'd be formatted in der project would make the shadows from the left look better or soethigfn AAAAACK
idk if i should say any info about it because it's gonna be a big project and i dont want the general public knowing that some fujoFAGGOT made it or something
big things are coming….after i do my research and finish the drawings i promised to the people
trve, they kinda look like they'd be in some coloring book if i remove the color/shading layer


File: 1726527778189.png (Spoiler Image, 359.58 KB, 1100x789, 989.png)

Saw this depraved calmjak on the booru and I think it's a good idea but the original is obviously bad. Absolutely perfect gorejak in my opinion.


this one does look funny, but the colors make him harder to juxtapose to the moralfag. what if we made the moralfag red from seething with rage then?


alright shartyfujo, i have a stupid idea, but i wanna know if this will be a 1 man operation or if it could take more people to do
do you know how to use vpns in order to avoid getting your ip leaked by obsessed altchan owners?


hisa on the left and the right and the center
i have like two vpns on my laptop and shieettt


i was thinking of making like a funny ad image, but make it look like it advertises a yaoi-centered altchan, with all the art made here put in there. and then going around all those dead altchans and leaving the ad image there, not raiding, just shilling and moving onto the next one. this is the super secret plan to possibly bring in new fujogooners, or just anyone curious enough. seeing an altchan about soyjak yaoi and not just soyjaks themselves will probably be more intriguing. but for that to work codecaca gotta put the altchan randomizer back on the top bar, i can't find it in my history again. what do ya think? i can do it just on my own, but having someone else help would be neat


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gemmy idea methinks
>altchan randomizer
i think there's a site with a list of altchans, i think it was called allthechans or something. i remember there were 2 sites that had a list of altchans but i cant remember the other one.
i might be able to help and stuff but it depends on how long i have to do school stuff and how long im gonna work on >>1320 and shiejttttt
also new toss
ough i need to study anatomy aaaack ill redraw this in the future probably because idk what i was doing with rapeson's body he just looks weird and im too lazy to fix it


holy geggerald
and a gem
yeah you don't have to help, most of my ideas just stay as ideas unless i get enough push to actually do them. i've seen allthechans


>i might help when i finish all the other stuff im supposed to do
>i had…an idea! (multiple braptually)
i forgot to put 'anyways' in the middle of those fml bruh ‍♂️☠️☠️☠️☠️
maybe i should watch my words on here
who knows if said family member ends up seeing this thread! yieks!!
also i forgot to add that i was interested in getting the soyaoi fujo flag with the soylent bottle and yaoi paddles as a hair clip too


>retarded wall of tranny babble
shemmy posters take the nickname shemale too seriously


we shemalies are passionate


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i told said family member that i wanted to get a froot clip and a doll clip and they said no
freak my awesome respectful chud life…. im so gender affirming
they compared the froll stuff to hitler x stalin fanart and liek
not comparable
ill prbaly still get other clips doe
dead site btw lol
>wtf im geometrical


>he doesn't know


>i have a family member which i love very much and they know about froot & doll's transphobia, racism, etc. and they happen to be transgenda…
why the hell would you tell your family members about the sharty


eck hem
>1. we;re best frienderinos


ohio, it's not like any strangers would know what these hair clips would even mean. i think that friend needs to be more accepting o algo. i dunno, i just don't consider people that won't accept even the bad parts/parts of a person they might disagree with to be good friends, else that friendship will be built on lies and collapse eventually. sorry if this is too confrontational, you probably know more about the situation and how to act than me
but comparing froot and doll to hitler and stalin is so funny haha they don't even come close


File: 1726763008690.jpg (358.36 KB, 2000x1341, chuddrawing.jpg)

also shartyfujo, check this out
found this on the net
my slowburn plan of making "soyjak fandom" a real thing is still in progress so more drawings like this would arise… it is a gargantuan task, let's see if it will reach finish


> i think that friend needs to be more accepting o algo.
yeah lol
idk i think its just my chud brain sperging out #laughoutloud
>i just don't consider people that won't accept even the bad parts/parts of a person they might disagree with to be good friends, else that friendship will be built on lies and collapse eventually
mind bending trvthnvke
>sorry if this is too confrontational
dont apologize kween. i really appreciate your input
or whatevevrthe wholesome
>but comparing froot and doll to hitler and stalin is so funny haha they don't even come close
litearlyn brah… like froot & doll din do nuffin
its weird if i think abour it because we're two very good friends with some degree of autism on different sides of der political chart.
i blame the autism and beign stressed out due to time-related things for the wordswordswords ackk aaaaack
freaking schweet!!
maybe drawing fandom crossover art will introduce more people to the sois
idk if that'd be a good idea doe because im not really sure if that'd bring super duper valid transqweens into places like these
i wish ypu luck on der fandom


File: 1726782424109.png (3.08 MB, 2388x1668, IMG_1768.png)

bACK on trACK
a rapeson without body hair is like an angel withotu wings
sorry for the spergout im just … 🧩😅!


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forgot to mentionthat the inspiration for draiwng that was because i found an old brush i made a while back


>like an angel withotu wings
Is this referencing what I think it is


no idea
i think i saw someone say a dick without its foreskin is like an angel without its wings


Firstly thank you for being the fun kind of autist and not the subhuman kind (like 90% of this site). It’s always fascinating to read these kinds of excerpts (hope i didnt eslfail that word) because it’s nothing a normal person would remotely come close to doing (especially telling your friend/family member about the soysphere because you’re fixated on it) but it’s fine in this case since you’re telling it to a friend and not someone that wouldn’t give the slightest fuck which autists do often (and to be fair your friend also probably isn’t interested in it but cares to listen since you’re friends). I already knew you were an autist early into the paragraph without you saying it.

Anyway, i was just going to say that if froot and doll clips wouldn’t be working out consider doing soot and kuz instead which is thrembo times gemmier anyways. Later alligator


Huh it got deleted. I don’t think there was anything breaking the rules there


i autistheart having fun (like fnf not giving a fuck (rip jardee btw)) and thank you for saying im fun because thats r/wholesome r/heartwearming or somethinf
mein family member and i tell each other almost everything (other than secrets i know im supposed to keep because im not a gossipy little fuck) because we're close and shiieeeett and the soysphere takes up a pretty big part of my brain, so naturally, i have to tell my bestest frienderino that i live with about the soysphere. otherwise, they wouldnt know what i mean by "coughcord woke up" and "oh nononononono respiratory system sissies what is this"
and shiiiiieeeeettttt✊🏿
and i would get kuz clips but, as ive said, i tell them a lot about the soysphere and i know ive told them about kuz and the controversial stuff
no idea if they know that soot and kuz are probably transphobic doe
because if i cant get froot ones… i cant get nun of dem admins. on god bro no cap..
to be goynest i think im getting more anad more autistic becasue i really really reall y want to go to one of those soyteen meetups (but scared of getting doxed, raped, and killed doe #lol) but i dont really want to travel because im a lazy little fuck. i know there's at least one soyteen in my state because i saw a picture in a sharty bedroom thread and in said picture, there was an impjak sticker with my state on it. and im pretty sure someone mentioned being from my state in a cytube i was in. anyways idk im getting rest.ess becuase i cant even send der chudjak to xem without xem saying "erm… isnt that the nazi? " heh… is bro the nazi?..bruhs the who? ehhm… Yeah No ,No Nazis Here!😅 sigh who am i going to send soyjacks to! especially the incomprehensible ones hardyhardyhar har idk maybe i should indoctrinate some of my friends into the soysphere (kidding! all of my irl friends are left wing! at least two are trans! i do not want trans gender people to be on my right-wing soy jack web site!!!!)
my thought process is that if i wear soy stuff then some 'teen is bound to notice eventually but id have to start going out more loal
i felt like i overshared a wee bit so i reported it and then an angelic, kind, merciful janny took pity on me so he deleted it
i 🏳️‍⚧️❤️ janjans
i might make a cardboard mask or one of those fullbody car,dboard cutouts because there's a lot of flat boxes on my living room floor for god knows why + ive made like two masks and ive made around 5 full body cutouts in my time
and i'll probably post my traditional art today if i can find my phone
and i have a small paper mache sculpture that made last year but never posted


in a while crocodile


If I ever see you I'll try my best to not dox rape or kill you my xueen


WAHOO! thanks!


>and i would get kuz clips but, as ive said, i tell them a lot about the soysphere and i know ive told them about kuz and the controversial stuff
>no idea if they know that soot and kuz are probably transphobic doe
Probably, but i don’t remember them outright saying that so there’s benefit of the doubt. Though realistically the closest it can get is that they adhere to the generalization regarding tranners but wouldn’t apply that to an individual one without further proof (and sobot was a femboy ore something like that so that’s probably not far off for kuz). Angeleno’s a centrist/moderate kind of guy so that’s likely close to what he thinks too.
>one of those soyteen meetups
What the actual fuck. I saw something like that on SPVA but had no idea it was a regular thing now. Remember that it’s a site filled with pedos, chudcels and most importantly foodists. its legitamately not safe for you as a girl (tho i don’t think they would shy away from being nonconsensually freaky with a boy too). If it takes place somewhere public you might not be straight up molessed or anything but they might say weird shit or try to touch you. Don’t go to that shit.
>i cant even send der chudjak to xem without xem saying "erm… isnt that the nazi?
While chudjak is often used for extremist self inserts, it’s more often used in a mocking way (as is with all soyjaks, its why they were made). Chudjak in particular was made by iirc leftypol users mocking 4chin’s pol users. It’s a tracing of an extremist shooter sure, but it wasn’t made to glorify him but the complete opposite. “You look like this sketch of a weird looking shooter saying that!”. It’s pretty common on twitter and plebbit in fact.
>kidding! all of my irl friends are left wing! at least two are trans! i do not want trans gender people to be on my right-wing soy jack web site!!!!
Actually do that because froot’s sharty deserves to die a grueling painful death
>my thought process is that if i wear soy stuff then some 'teen is bound to notice eventually
That’s dumb i wouldn’t recommend that, 99% of people will think you’re weird (and you are, but that’s not a bad thing if it stays in private so make sure of that). Though something like pins on a backpack would be fine.

You’re an interesting specimen, later


DUDE. Brevity is the soul of wit.


File: 1726867965660.png (25.5 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

phonefagging atm
> Angeleno’s a centrist/moderate kind of guy so that’s likely close to what he thinks too.
trve, I’m pretty sure that I’ve told them about‘Leno being an ally to der transqueens. Wholesome!
>I saw something like that on SPVA but had no idea it was a regular thing now.
I doubt that it’s a regular thing, ACKtually. I think there’ve only been two or three. I get the food it’s thing, but don’t most pedos on the sharty come from der ‘cord? Either way, I doubt that any pedokikes would actually go to any public/social events.I remember the one from nyc and the one in kiev, and the guys in the pictures looked to be around 15 to 18ish. Not sure doe. Nonetheless, I’d probably chicken out of going if one was organised near my state. It’d be weird being a girl in a presumably all-male group and I know that someone would try to sneak a photo my my face(which is partially why I want to make a soyak mask geeeeeg)
>chudjak was originally for mocking chudcels
yeah but he’s still le unwholesome nazi… o algo…. I think it’s best to just not get any chudjak stuff (for now)
> froot’s sharty deserves to die a grueling painful death
I’d never do that to my wife froot…and even if I were going to, they’d obviously find out about splinters.
That, or they’d cut me off for being a heckin unwholesome chudcel, or they’d chud-out like I did.
>That’s dumb i wouldn’t recommend that, 99% of people will think you’re weird (and you are, but that’s not a bad thing if it stays in private so make sure of that). Though something like pins on a backpack would be fine.
People probably already think I’m weird because I’m one of those quiet kids lole but I’ll probably look into getting pins.
‘Twas nice talking to you :^)


mb gng


File: 1726875435491.png (8.46 MB, 3000x2250, Untitled27_20240920181333.png)

>i'll probably post my traditional art today if i can find my phone
I can only post one picture at a time……. fix this…please
Anyways i put the flash on most of these to make it look swarthierbrvause we retards are white o algo


File: 1726875467032.png (7.52 MB, 3000x2250, Untitled27_20240920181340.png)


File: 1726875518507.png (7.15 MB, 3000x2250, Untitled27_20240920181346.png)

Glood deyectd


File: 1726875555394.png (6.01 MB, 3000x2250, Untitled27_20240920181350.png)

Post discarddecv


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File: 1726875886656-0.png (5.41 MB, 2250x3000, Untitled27_20240920181803.png)

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File: 1726875886656-2.png (6.64 MB, 2250x3000, Untitled27_20240920182307.png)

File: 1726875886656-3.png (4.86 MB, 2250x3000, Untitled27_20240920182915.png)

you have to request a desktop site instead of a mobile site


File: 1726875944774-0.png (5.45 MB, 2250x3000, Untitled27_20240920183212.png)

File: 1726875944774-1.png (6.31 MB, 2250x3000, Untitled27_20240920183406.png)

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File: 1726876000154-3.png (4.84 MB, 2250x3000, Untitled27_20240920185710.png)


File: 1726876077401-0.png (5.38 MB, 2250x3000, Untitled27_20240920190022.png)

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File: 1726876077401-2.png (6.09 MB, 2250x3000, Untitled27_20240920190708.png)

File: 1726876077401-3.png (5.53 MB, 2250x3000, Untitled27_20240920190834.png)

That’s all for now


shiniest gems from the himalaryan mountains



giggles… thank you YWABAW
putting linkrel here so i remember to check it later but ill post muh arterino when i get home


File: 1727288953259-0.png (18.02 KB, 500x250, Oekaki (2).png)

File: 1727288953259-1.png (12.13 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

File: 1727288953259-2.png (8.99 KB, 500x250, Oekaki (3).png)

File: 1727288953259-3.png (18.4 KB, 500x250, Oekaki (4).png)

in the meantime im just gonna repost oekakis that i drew on this gay little 'omebook


File: 1727288988608-0.png (23.62 KB, 500x250, Oekaki (6).png)

File: 1727288988608-1.png (14.84 KB, 500x250, Oekaki (5).png)

File: 1727288988608-2.png (13.56 KB, 500x250, Oekaki (4).png)

File: 1727288988608-3.png (11.46 KB, 500x250, Oekaki (3).png)


File: 1727289154300-0.png (14.82 KB, 500x250, Oekaki (11).png)

File: 1727289154300-1.png (14.14 KB, 500x250, Oekaki (7).png)

acutallly i dont thihnk i drew the first one on this
it looks too "good" compared to the other ones or something
i pribably drew that on my ipad
to be goynest i thought there would've been more wtfffffff


File: 1727292959382.png (83.15 KB, 948x1547, rapeson diddy.png)

new creation (im not putting this on /soy/ because im not going to be a slf and make a whole thread jsut to post this soy jack)
this should be antialiased
also kleki fixed their shitty zoom in/zoom out function so its better now #AWESOME
also soyjak.download got blocked for "malware" geez louise @poly add .psd file support plz


File: 1727317101494.png (22.05 KB, 1394x39, 4.png)

change dns o algo
if it's a filter list blocking it put this in ublock My Filters
its probably blocked because its a filehosting site


File: 1727363189356-0.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 80.54 KB, 571x1048, IMG_1933.jpeg)

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File: 1727363189356-2.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 611.24 KB, 1218x1489, IMG_2002.jpeg)

File: 1727363189356-3.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 274.86 KB, 1197x1354, IMG_2003.jpeg)

i'll try this when i xan, thank you kween🏳️‍⚧️❤️
>ill post muh arterino when i get home
that was the plan. but bidenflare was on and i took a nap
anyways only the last one is nsfw


File: 1727363234675-0.png (Spoiler Image, 915.35 KB, 1800x1200, IMG_2004.png)

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File: 1727363234675-3.png (Spoiler Image, 669.31 KB, 2388x1668, IMG_2005.png)

derlast one is nsfw


File: 1727363333479-0.png (944.79 KB, 1800x1200, IMG_2058.png)

File: 1727363333479-1.png (240.79 KB, 1200x1800, IMG_2069.png)

File: 1727363333479-2.png (499.4 KB, 1200x1800, IMG_2070.png)

the first one is context to a drawing that im drawing o algo
and the other two are sprunki stuff (yes its muh "scary" scratch game but i enjoy the music)


File: 1727363466020-0.jpeg (193.07 KB, 2387x899, IMG_2083.jpeg)

File: 1727363466020-1.jpeg (463.19 KB, 1159x1343, IMG_2084.jpeg)

whiteboard fox screenshots from a few minutes ago
thats it love you niggers


holy fucking gems


I never said that


thank you :^)
the kuznet guy mustve claimed ur layer on the magma
whoopsies sorry


im not doddermodd


i know now
my sincerest and dearest apologies


File: 1727460605755.png (328.73 KB, 580x362, IMG_2131.png)


File: 1727538473567.png (698.23 KB, 681x676, IMG_2245.png)

new stonetoss








Kuz you sexy af


File: 1727645730742.jpeg (705.54 KB, 1527x1392, IMG_2295.jpeg)

thank you big niggas i luh yall on gang


File: 1728134127066.jpeg (163.66 KB, 903x455, IMG_2582.jpeg)



File: 1728138232833.png (26.48 KB, 360x573, kuz morozov.png)


tranny artstyle


File: 1728581497692-0.png (1.52 MB, 1041x1022, IMG_2722.png)

File: 1728581497692-1.png (2.32 MB, 2388x1668, IMG_2723.png)

oh just wait till u see this gay niggershit on the right


File: 1728662235863.jpeg (418.28 KB, 1894x490, IMG_2842.jpeg)

we shemalies never finish our wips


the second one is kate right. do you by any chance know when exactly she was conceived? i don't feel like doing mcchallenge for sharty's booru to find any images with xer to check the dates


it's my.. heh… soysona
i'll probably tweak it later
anyways, no idea when kate was conceived. maybe check marge.moe instead of the booru. look for kate hikes and kate higgers because some retardARYANs kept the higgers last name without thinking of what it was supposed to mean.


incredible coal that powered england's industrial revolution


File: 1728663800436.gif (1.92 MB, 1256x1080, 1728663778663.gif)

>incredible coal that powered england's industrial revolution


but i dont wanna use their sites or however paranoia goes
i don't get it when people make their "soysonas" actually look like them, it's the ultimate self-own


projecting fat fetishist in my thread gtfo


im gonna look for it in a little while brb


File: 1728839159735.png (66.51 KB, 306x536, ClipboardImage.png)

fanart or something


jarvis post this to the sharty or something


cute and valid


File: 1728840856842.png (120.49 KB, 900x506, IMG_3037.png)

new toss




meddies that's the 2nd piece of fanart ive ever gotten & the first one was in a totally different style




i hate you but this is fairly decent and i cant ignore effort


>more than half of these by me
should i kill myself?


much appreciated muchos gracias
love yourself yaoiqueen ywabag


>less than half of these by me
should i kill myself?


File: 1728914957764.png (990.91 KB, 2388x1668, IMG_3156.png)

old jewdles
showering NOW…. wish me luck


leaving this here so i remember to look at it later ack



File: 1729128563041.jpeg (593.24 KB, 1032x1447, IMG_3237.jpeg)

i have midterms tomorrow i think idk if its midterms but its important tests….. i havent studied at all lolkekekekdk
mmyes… i put negative energy into this drawig… (i have never read homestuck) ….hya hya hyah…. ((live laugh love stuckGOD i just dont want sagey to leak everywhere))


How was the test?


no idea, i think i did decently. it wasnt a midterm o algo idk what it was i forgot. thx for asking doe #wholesoem


no problem


i don't care about sagey, but he should keep doing it because it's entertaining. don't worry about me, barely anything affects me here


also nice drawing or something good job on the test


File: 1730031232275-0.jpeg (354.59 KB, 1096x1485, IMG_3698.jpeg)

File: 1730031232275-1.jpeg (75.02 KB, 469x765, IMG_3697.jpeg)

File: 1730031232275-2.jpeg (161.91 KB, 1252x1667, IMG_3696.jpeg)

File: 1730031232275-3.jpeg (256.52 KB, 1848x1667, IMG_3695.jpeg)

trve and thank yoy!
anyways snca blogpost incoming
i havent. een drawing much on my ipad actually braptually ive been drawing in a notebook
i actually drew shitoko on my spanish notebook cover but im using it as a diary now
i havent really been drawing any soys in general lol i just like my soysona design a lot
anyways these are from oldest to newest and the last two were drawn when i was falling asleep ack


>all jpegs even doe i exported the last two as pngs


still worjing on this btw holy fuck im lazy
i remember someone asking if i can draw gapejak doing cool flips on a skateboard and im still vvorking on it
OHHHhim schizo


File: 1730173612288.png (2.69 MB, 1668x2388, IMG_3790.png)

>im still working on thr doddershit baking. a cake drawing even doe i completely forgot about it but didnt know what else to draw so i drew him anyways
biggest rertard award…my sleep meds are kickign in noooo..,nnnnnooooooooooooooooomokmj
im a wee bit confused about his arms and hands doe becausen inlike his. most recent drawing of his soysona he had five finger# and like idk what the word is for his arms but the fnac 'toss and rhe,,, heh the pornography HAHAHA he ahd rhe same hands and amrs idk its orobablt because the latest drawing was. a simplfiie d thing i fuess idk lil bro .idk kw,ww,w,w,w w idk as i said (which i said what i said in the thread where i posted the sisajak and uhhh yi ukniw hahahuauhahaa th'' idk i like drawign his soysona its a cool design…#awesome…goodnight shemmy


also my ipad ran out of storage while i was recording the soeedoaint for this great job fatty great job clogging up my ipad.storag…. yieks


obsest aboud mi


File: 1730233018629.png (52.83 KB, 888x849, meximodd.png)

>>>1824 (You)
>obsest aboud mi


File: 1730242657815.jpeg (533.86 KB, 1408x1281, IMG_3833.jpeg)

anyways back to being obsessed with rapeson instead
i never learned hiw to draw dicks correctly and im not gonna fix this amalgamation of. a weiner….#laughoutloud


File: 1730247586320.png (1.29 MB, 2388x1668, IMG_3838.png)

more snca brush testing…….,,,..


File: 1730306303081.png (179.42 KB, 1500x1800, leaking dodderkike.png)

>>>1833 (You)
>no one looks like that




File: 1730374202530.png (65.42 KB, 179x272, ClipboardImage.png)

>will you have the soup or sage, xir?


blame malicious michelle's 2010 act that's what you get for appointing niggers as your pres, maybe vote trump you spic so he can deport you back to mexico with your jewish favela family


i didnt appoint anyone doe…. my valid latinx VVILL stay in america או משהו כזה


Can you draw pinejak?


File: 1730820761081-0.png (29.42 KB, 555x963, IMG_4391.png)

File: 1730820761081-1.png (28.82 KB, 555x963, IMG_4392.png)

File: 1730820761081-2.png (29.58 KB, 555x963, IMG_4393.png)

although it might take a while because im in the middle of making templates
i aryanheart making sure that there are aliased


File: 1730826361948-0.png (114.75 KB, 1066x2784, IMG_4395.png)

File: 1730826361949-1.png (115.92 KB, 1066x2784, IMG_4396.png)

File: 1730826361949-2.png (115.69 KB, 1066x2784, IMG_4397.png)

File: 1730826361949-3.png (108.92 KB, 1066x2784, IMG_4398.png)

more templates
i noticed that there wasnt a template for the smug soyak thing while i was looking for nates to seanify
ill try to release the actual template for this (lineart and stuff) later


Draw the ignored tama requests in https://soygem.party/soy/res/351834.html


i might but uuuuuuhrm it'll probably be a while before i draw anything because of the templates
i can try to contact jaika and remind her about it if u want


File: 1731009638169-0.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1303x1555, IMG_4516.jpeg)

File: 1731009638169-1.jpeg (239.42 KB, 1334x672, IMG_4517.jpeg)

>they can smell the shemmyness


very cool


File: 1731021941511.png (4.13 MB, 3508x2480, IMG_4528.png)

brush testing because i donwloaded a gorillion brush packs
thank you gringx ( ´ ▽ ` )




File: 1731028505296.gif (6.28 MB, 370x208, calmy.gif)

good soon to be night sagefag……..which is like evening for you i think i cant remember


File: 1731104503002.mp4 (130.84 KB, 640x360, Untitled.mp4)


burundian hands made this


File: 1731969209982.png (169.69 KB, 2388x1668, IMG_5432.png)

niggerson fanart


This is great fanart but he should have white skin with blonde hair and blue eyes you forgot that part


thank you but thats an unsubstantiated claim


File: 1732108099851-0.jpeg (237.54 KB, 855x1668, IMG_5570.jpeg)

File: 1732108099851-1.mp4 (424.19 KB, 720x720, y3R2GABXsS5-w4r_.mp4)

vvork tuah…. finish on that thang


the way you drew your self insert is faggier than the soyjak gay porn


File: 1732127705439.png (26.33 KB, 205x255, transheart.png)

thx babe :3


File: 1732129124279.jpeg (344.23 KB, 964x1595, IMG_5589.jpeg)

sketch o algo


File: 1732135553048.jpeg (585 KB, 1626x1660, IMG_5595.jpeg)

coloring it award




File: 1732159139728.png (2.25 MB, 2388x1668, IMG_5614.png)

study o algo alsi
>inb4 leakage
yes yes im an artfag foid in an imageboard of course im going to like her artstyle(lolis are BRIM but chibis are AWESOME)…fork found in kitchen come on now


hand is a little odd, otherwise its nice


muchos graxias :D


File: 1732221825209.png (436.79 KB, 2388x1668, IMG_5678.png)

i got bored during class and started working on this uhh bbrrrraaapp




Some of the drawing in this thread got vanished after the shemmy shut down for server maintenance. Can you post them here?


File: 1732668189130-0.jpeg (465.81 KB, 1532x695, IMG_4983.jpeg)

File: 1732668189130-1.jpeg (341.6 KB, 1523x881, IMG_4986.jpeg)

File: 1732668189130-2.png (1.2 MB, 2388x1668, IMG_5299.png)

File: 1732668189130-3.png (169.69 KB, 2388x1668, IMG_5432.png)

yes than kyou for askif :D


File: 1732675071876.png (1.2 MB, 2388x1668, IMG_6196.png)

brush testinny
chink artGODs won


File: 1732678786772.png (91.67 KB, 855x762, mymy gem.png)

no problem


File: 1732746014904.jpeg (399.8 KB, 2020x1530, IMG_6238.jpeg)

more brush testing brappppp


File: 1733367186270.jpeg (494.16 KB, 2179x1499, IMG_6623.jpeg)



File: 1733380144665.png (62.05 KB, 352x570, ClipboardImage.png)

issa shining gemerald




File: 1733403016138.jpg (40.31 KB, 604x405, 1731248478076.jpg)

muchos gracias mi amigxs <3


File: 1733414912026.png (106.3 KB, 1000x952, humejak.png)

I recognize ur art style did u ever make art of the doe deer in a forest?


File: 1733419465601.png (66.99 KB, 1200x864, 1730364451281.png)

no but i think ive seen it


File: 1733641830659.jpeg (580.21 KB, 1927x1030, IMG_6855.jpeg)

wip of a very overdue 'toss that i was supposed to do a gorillion years ago
i got distracted and played terraia till i got into hardmode in my main world 😫uuunnghhhhh😫ghhh😫😫😫😫uuuuuuuuuunnnhhhh fuckkkk oh my goddd hardmode oooreeee 😫hardmodeeeee oooorreeee mmmgghhhhhhh😫


stupid nigger learn to integrate


i was exaggerating you cuck


anyways i cant really type this down on my ipad because so ignore this o algo alsi yeah something like that idk its just stuff im looking into getting for christmas…o algo
(pod means print on demand and moq means minimum order quantity or something)
https://inkitlabs.com/ (no idea if it's up)
http://cpunltd.com/ (no idea if it's up either)
https://www.instagram.com/pins_factory_joey/ (https://www.evybenita.com/affiliate-links/)
https://melodycharms.com/ (apparently its either decent or complete shit)
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mk9wl0LiYNStnXxwHAE6hd4-uzDMhfvnHsh819KlQeA/edit#gid=0 ( https://www.reddit.com/r/artbusiness/comments/zbpjy2/ )
Native Northwest


File: 1734376095607.png (1.76 MB, 1080x1160, ClipboardImage.png)




Dead thread shut it down


What prompt did you use

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