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/j/ - Janny

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 No.3583[View All]

Hello everyone! As you know, the former developer of this site has resigned, so I am here to take his place. I go by yotsubrah in the unseen parts of the internet, but you can call me poly. Someone here even mentioned the name Polesuba and I like that as well.

I have already added two revamped features to the site. You can now enable or disable filename stripping in the Options menu and you now also have the option to greentext quote or orangetext quote even based on selected text!

You can ask me anything in this thread or simply give me a list of suggestions of what sort of features you'd like to see in the site. I'm glad to be apart of this site and I hope it goes in a good direction in the future.
133 posts and 49 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


> implying the insane neo nazi component in this board comes from non europeans/westerners

Who are you kidding though? Most of the nastiest grotesque "race realist" stuff is spewed by western flags


Because you're sticking to the touristy parts of America, the Americans who are nice to you just want your money.


That’s not true in the slightest. Go to some backwater in Iowa and they’ll still act this way. They do it among themselves.


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Am I tripping or is the c in violence a ts sound?

It sounds like violents, not violens.


estonian niggas be like "wow people aren't spitting on me or trying to steal my wallet, what is going on here?".


It seems that the original message may come off as disrespectful or insulting, and it’s important to communicate with kindness and understanding. Instead of using derogatory language like "retarded," let's reframe the message in a more positive and respectful manner.

Here’s an alternative approach:

"Hi there! I appreciate your perspective, but I’d love to understand your reasoning a bit better. Could you help clarify your point of view? Open discussions can lead to wonderful insights, and I believe we can learn a lot from one another. Thank you!"

This way, we can encourage constructive dialogue while treating everyone with respect.


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When was the last time you actually went swimming in your country?
In a pool or sea/lake/ocean?


it is but it's because of an unconscious inserting that happens from pronouncing an n to an s so it isn't incredibly necessary to show.
the schwa before the l however is not pronounce by most people.


Americans are all fake plastic people, as the other anon said its just a facade


Joined swimming classes at a college pool when I was 11. Three classes in they made me swim with the college students because I was a fast learner. So, they had me line up with them from the highest platform that was like 20 ft high or something.
I was scared and refused to jump and the trainer was gentle with me too telling me not to be afraid.
But my father who was there signalled for the trainer to push me in the back. Fell like hundred feet into the pool without bracing and almost ended up drowning from the shock. Even now I'm traumatised when the first impact happens when I dive into water.


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>polack dev
shut this shitty site down


Geg you shemmyshits now have a 4cuck as an admin
good riddance


tranny bantroon dev is the perfect fit for this dying gaping wound of a site


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>tranny bantroon dev is the perfect fit for this dying gaping wound of a site


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>new dev gets hired
>janny potentially goes rouge 3 hours later (unless that was just an edited picture)
ay carumba


>/s4s/ and /r9k/, mostly. /bant/ sometimes
He uses the pedo and incel boards on 4cuck, grim


witaj polskiBOGU


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>and ai/botcord wakes up
sweet sarsaparilla


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kys red


nigga that picture is monochrome ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️




i figured. i just thought it was a little weird that the post got deleted.
thank you kween


fuck my nigger life i dont understand




oh ok
thank you


>saging pinned thread
epic fail


never posting on this site again


is it really pollyanna? if so leak /j/ buddy, even a pedo british twink can manage that


spent 2 minutes writing a sharty thread award


fat smelly brap above me


Add catalog view to the overboard


Foodists. Janjans keep your eyes on these faggots though if possible i’d recommend banning them outright


Oh, it already got deleted. Good riddance. And good eye, jannygods


Can you bring back this thread?


Sadly not


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url parameter that automatically enlarges all images in a thread on load so i dont have to put effort into archiving threads on archive.is




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>nice to see somebody else noticed
>>lowercase name while capcoding
>>avatarfagging as a little girl
>>fucking poly
>>same code style as his janny userscripts on the sharty


Initially i would’ve said that poly is derived from polesuba so its an unfortunate coincidence but with this considered it gets interesting.


if red would actually come back i seriously doubt he would be that retarded and put a name as obvious as that
Or its a normal dev who want to make everyone schizo out and put a intentionally trollish name like that


>polish flag
>there are a lot of polish migrants in the uk
yep it's fucking red


Any chance you could fix cyclical threads?


do this


moved this here because i think its important, original thread on /soy/ is still up and unlocked so people can still reply though


>my cellular data is so bad that posting from TOR is faster and easier


not how that works retardchad


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i miss her so much…


bbc or bwc @poly



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