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/j/ - Janny

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 No.3583[Last 50 Posts]

Hello everyone! As you know, the former developer of this site has resigned, so I am here to take his place. I go by yotsubrah in the unseen parts of the internet, but you can call me poly. Someone here even mentioned the name Polesuba and I like that as well.

I have already added two revamped features to the site. You can now enable or disable filename stripping in the Options menu and you now also have the option to greentext quote or orangetext quote even based on selected text!

You can ask me anything in this thread or simply give me a list of suggestions of what sort of features you'd like to see in the site. I'm glad to be apart of this site and I hope it goes in a good direction in the future.


you're a little bitch


mein wife, be nice to her.


File: 1726683953137.mp4 (827.29 KB, 416x360, Janny Are You Ok.mp4)

add the cloudflare CP filter or it's trvly qver


Ermm what the sigma


File: 1726683996673.gif (203.21 KB, 454x520, 1707362755891.gif)

>Hello everyone! As you know, the former developer of this site has resigned, so I am here to take his place. I go by yotsubrah in the unseen parts of the internet, but you can call me poly. Someone here even mentioned the name Polesuba and I like that as well.

>I have already added two revamped features to the site. You can now enable or disable filename stripping in the Options menu and you now also have the option to greentext quote or orangetext quote even based on selected text!

>You can ask me anything in this thread or simply give me a list of suggestions of what sort of features you'd like to see in the site. I'm glad to be apart of this site and I hope it goes in a good direction in the future.


File: 1726684148447.gif (77.36 KB, 387x437, soyak(10).gif)

>Hello everyone! As you know, the former developer of this site has resigned, so I am here to take his place. I go by yotsubrah in the unseen parts of the internet, but you can call me poly. Someone here even mentioned the name Polesuba and I like that as well.

>I have already added two revamped features to the site. You can now enable or disable filename stripping in the Options menu and you now also have the option to greentext quote or orangetext quote even based on selected text!

>You can ask me anything in this thread or simply give me a list of suggestions of what sort of features you'd like to see in the site. I'm glad to be apart of this site and I hope it goes in a good direction in the future.


Can you ban faggotry


File: 1726684277063.png (400.11 KB, 698x534, ClipboardImage.png)

>Hello everyone! As you know, the former developer of this site has resigned, so I am here to take his place. I go by yotsubrah in the unseen parts of the internet, but you can call me poly. Someone here even mentioned the name Polesuba and I like that as well.

>I have already added two revamped features to the site. You can now enable or disable filename stripping in the Options menu and you now also have the option to greentext quote or orangetext quote even based on selected text!

>You can ask me anything in this thread or simply give me a list of suggestions of what sort of features you'd like to see in the site. I'm glad to be apart of this site and I hope it goes in a good direction in the future.


File: 1726684320282.gif (445.06 KB, 260x260, 1707589386856-3.gif)

>Hello everyone! As you know, the former developer of this site has resigned, so I am here to take his place. I go by yotsubrah in the unseen parts of the internet, but you can call me poly. Someone here even mentioned the name Polesuba and I like that as well.

>I have already added two revamped features to the site. You can now enable or disable filename stripping in the Options menu and you now also have the option to greentext quote or orangetext quote even based on selected text!

>You can ask me anything in this thread or simply give me a list of suggestions of what sort of features you'd like to see in the site. I'm glad to be apart of this site and I hope it goes in a good direction in the future.


File: 1726684331790.png (656.47 KB, 936x853, ClipboardImage.png)

>Hello everyone! As you know, the former developer of this site has resigned, so I am here to take his place. I go by yotsubrah in the unseen parts of the internet, but you can call me poly. Someone here even mentioned the name Polesuba and I like that as well.

>I have already added two revamped features to the site. You can now enable or disable filename stripping in the Options menu and you now also have the option to greentext quote or orangetext quote even based on selected text!

>You can ask me anything in this thread or simply give me a list of suggestions of what sort of features you'd like to see in the site. I'm glad to be apart of this site and I hope it goes in a good direction in the future.


File: 1726684355824.png (39.72 KB, 562x731, she say do you love me i t….PNG)

>Hello everyone! As you know, the former developer of this site has resigned, so I am here to take his place. I go by yotsubrah in the unseen parts of the internet, but you can call me poly. Someone here even mentioned the name Polesuba and I like that as well.

>I have already added two revamped features to the site. You can now enable or disable filename stripping in the Options menu and you now also have the option to greentext quote or orangetext quote even based on selected text!

>You can ask me anything in this thread or simply give me a list of suggestions of what sort of features you'd like to see in the site. I'm glad to be apart of this site and I hope it goes in a good direction in the future.


please tell me how to ban evade on the sharty


File: 1726684390914.png (19 KB, 184x348, ClipboardImage.png)

>Hello everyone! As you know, the former developer of this site has resigned, so I am here to take his place. I go by yotsubrah in the unseen parts of the internet, but you can call me poly. Someone here even mentioned the name Polesuba and I like that as well.

>I have already added two revamped features to the site. You can now enable or disable filename stripping in the Options menu and you now also have the option to greentext quote or orangetext quote even based on selected text!

>You can ask me anything in this thread or simply give me a list of suggestions of what sort of features you'd like to see in the site. I'm glad to be apart of this site and I hope it goes in a good direction in the future.


File: 1726684433037.png (447.33 KB, 981x961, ClipboardImage.png)

>Hello everyone! As you know, the former developer of this site has resigned, so I am here to take his place. I go by yotsubrah in the unseen parts of the internet, but you can call me poly. Someone here even mentioned the name Polesuba and I like that as well.

>I have already added two revamped features to the site. You can now enable or disable filename stripping in the Options menu and you now also have the option to greentext quote or orangetext quote even based on selected text!

>You can ask me anything in this thread or simply give me a list of suggestions of what sort of features you'd like to see in the site. I'm glad to be apart of this site and I hope it goes in a good direction in the future.


I'd love to look into that and try to implement it on the site. Do you have any resources about it that you can share.
That would be my top priority if I could, but it seems we've been cursed with it until the end of time when moot said:
>brace for faggotry


are you trans?


of course she is


Why do we still have banners for chudpol.ru, a site which is notorious for allowing 'p to remain up on hidden boards for DAYS


File: 1726684871678.png (399.42 KB, 564x564, 457.png)

Dynamic IPs exist. Besides, you can always stay here and have fun anyways.
No and this will be the last time I'm answering such a question.


I'll discuss this with the staff.


File: 1726684919693.png (217.88 KB, 1920x1500, 1726076672519.png)

>No and this will be the last time I'm answering such a question.


File: 1726684984523.png (257.09 KB, 554x395, 350.png)


yare yare dawa..


You sound like a triggered kike. You sound jewish. Are you jewish? Are you jewish? You sound like a kike. Are you jewish?


File: 1726685210082.webm (5.28 MB, 42x173, 1695691777201.webm)

>mfw the polish troon is dev now


File: 1726685213626.png (107.3 KB, 427x528, 1716321392419i-1.png)

Can you be my boyfriend


I didn't expect you to get dev so soon, I wish you the best. As for a question who's your favorite azumanga daioh character


File: 1726685258827.png (266.57 KB, 1279x988, ClipboardImage.png)

thats my wife.


Earth shattering brap above me


Aw hell naw






File: 1726685427272.png (529.67 KB, 1500x1500, 293.png)

how about you kill yourself.


File: 1726685488592.png (229.76 KB, 891x1203, impishheart.png)

I've not seen you here in a while. How's life been?


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To whoever that was: I will find you, skin you alive and let the wolves feast on your corpse. Your time is near.
No. I am not interested in romantic relationships anyways.
Probably Tomo and Chiyo, Kagura is up there too. Anyone who hates Chiyo is a 800 kilogram slob by the way.


Who do you think i am


Your opinions are le good so you have my respect xir


what was it?


1. is your 'jaksona really soylita
2. what do you think about soyjak yaoi


File: 1726685650231.mp4 (8.24 MB, 1920x1080, 555bb27618b162b736586f20d9….mp4)

>Hello everyone! As you know, the former developer of this site has resigned, so I am here to take his place. I go by yotsubrah in the unseen parts of the internet, but you can call me poly. Someone here even mentioned the name Polesuba and I like that as well.

>I have already added two revamped features to the site. You can now enable or disable filename stripping in the Options menu and you now also have the option to greentext quote or orangetext quote even based on selected text!

>You can ask me anything in this thread or simply give me a list of suggestions of what sort of features you'd like to see in the site. I'm glad to be apart of this site and I hope it goes in a good direction in the future.


my wife


File: 1726685699660.png (20.36 KB, 580x570, 1548675237140.png)



File: 1726685702588.png (16.06 KB, 200x200, dark fujoist.png)

add fujo rizz


ignore this and add furry rizz instead


File: 1726685749384.png (1.88 MB, 1024x1024, 1726590895366.png)

If you don't fix le site in 3 days we're fucked


strong aroma smelling of sulfur above me


File: 1726685780048.mp4 (4.87 MB, 1280x1280, jartyGOD from the discord.mp4)

>my wife


File: 1726685793610.mp3 (3.88 MB, MEGA DANCE - W DYSKOTECE (….mp3)

thread theme.


.webm video with a very, VERY loud high frequency noise that blew my eardrums off and changes sizes so you can't pause or mute it.
>is your 'jaksona really soylita
I don't even know how I got myself a 'jaksona so fast nor do I know what the meaning of it is.
>what do you think about soyjak yaoi
I hate faggotry in general. I've seen a couple threads in this site and I'm amazed this is something that exists.


finally, a song that truly captures who i am


do this


File: 1726685923086.png (337.39 KB, 511x383, 308.png)


Can you shut down this dead nigger of a site already?


Daint and pleasant smelling pungent brap above me


>I don't even know how I got myself a 'jaksona so fast nor do I know what the meaning of it is.
i remember like a few weeks ago you sperging out about something and saying youre polish so people called you sobot and you sperged more and someone made kuz-sobot edits out of you.


File: 1726686117082.jpg (7.3 KB, 179x282, images.jpg)

>0 pph in the last hour
Shut down this dead nigger of a site already GEEEEEEEG


File: 1726686130697.png (54.76 KB, 600x800, 1716321179462e-0.png)

Vadim stop attentionwhoring and actually do something about our sub 20pph the site is dying and it looks like you're just ignoring it


do what doe?


pin every soyjak yaoi thread to enrich the culture


add these


nonsense coal flags above me


I already listed some things in the last qa. Just write down anything you can think of and communicate it with us, then enact it all


senseful gem flags above me


File: 1726686444428.jpg (44.83 KB, 736x736, e42a57ad5659ea5f5b977aa0a7….jpg)

>senseful gem flags above me


whiter then you lil bro


add furry rizz


add fujo rizz
let's form an alliance since both of our things' names start with fu


File: 1726686678375.jpg (79.86 KB, 727x991, 1698346663006.jpg)

can you make it so that doddernigger cant delete threads?


posts at the sides of other posts DO NOT fucking exist


File: 1726686933567.jpg (186.08 KB, 952x1280, 1724091660650.jpg)

>posts at the sides of other posts DO NOT fucking exist


can you actually implement this since codefag left


On this topic do you have any plans for the booru?


Sorry for the inactivity. I will stay here for an hour or so longer before I'm going to bed.
I don't think I've even touched this site for the past month. I think you must be referring to a different time and I think I know what you're talking about.
I can do this in a client-sided manner. It's called a ban. Do you want it?
He's one of the admins so the answer is no.
I don't really have experience to booru-type stuff. My main experience is with Vichan and the code it uses. I'll try and look into it or maybe discuss this later on with other staff members.


add furry rizz


do you consider yourself a weeb


If the admins agree then yes. I hope not though.
How much have soyjaks evolved, or should I say devolved, for a jannyjak to now look like this?


File: 1726687951481.png (64.32 KB, 838x614, IMG_0037.png)



You aren't osaka and she wouldn't say that


systemctl or service


File: 1726688029904.webp (45.4 KB, 344x258, file.webp)

what 4cuck boards do you use, if any


>How much have soyjaks evolved, or should I say devolved, for a jannyjak to now look like this?
you havent seen the best(worst) of it.




usually i like to shit talk and demoralize new admins but honestly i'm just happy lorenzo is gone and wish you the best of luck in mogging him.


/s4s/ and /r9k/, mostly. /bant/ sometimes. /an/ and /ck/ are fun to lurk in too. I don't use 4chan as much as I used to especially for discussions, so I don't even use boards like /a/.


i use service


will you implement datamining


Don't worry. I've looked into the state of this site. I think I already know how much things have changed compared to how it was back then, but I think a better example would be the sharty, but I'm not laying a single finger on it anymore to even compare anyways desu.


File: 1726689105726.png (24.57 KB, 800x650, IMG_9141.png)



It's still a decently good board sometimes.


answer this question faggot


>but I think a better example would be the sharty, but I'm not laying a single finger on it anymore to even compare anyways desu.
yeah the sharty is a lost cause, i havent really visited the sharty in like 4 months so i cant imagine how bad it is now.
my only knowledge on the sharty now comes from here and judging by what i have heard its total niggerhell now.


It's already here and I can see the color of your skintone in my mod panel.
Do you prefer /lgbt/ and /y/ more? Faggot.
I've heard things myself. I even took a look into how the current staff team looks like after that one thread here. Froot, Root, Ronald, Quote, and Mustard? What kind of circus did the sharty turn into. I bet they're all underaged incompetent teenagers too.


Kys tranny


>What kind of circus did the sharty turn into
thats accurate geg.
>I bet they're all underaged incompetent teenagers too.
worse, theyre all incompetent adults obsessing over controlling teenagers on a bald man with glasses site.


reported, trans rights




File: 1726690031928.png (2.31 MB, 1024x1024, IMG_3727.png)

*flies around*


What in the actual hell is that troonjak.
For the last time: I am NOT a tranny.
Adults? That's sad to see. Imagine being in the prime of your life and this is how you spend a majority of your time. Absolutely sad.

Anyhow, my time is up. I'll be going to bed now. Feel free to list even more suggestions or ask me anything in this thread if it lasts and I'll check it out tomorrow.


File: 1726690525799.png (80.86 KB, 1142x750, ClipboardImage.png)

>For the last time: I am NOT a tr-ACK!


File: 1726690601102.png (774.81 KB, 1906x2048, ClipboardImage.png)



>What in the actual hell is that troonjak.
>>>310600 (You)
>For the last time: I am NOT a tranny.
>Adults? That's sad to see. Imagine being in the prime of your life and this is how you spend a majority of your time. Absolutely sad.

>Anyhow, my time is up. I'll be going to bed now. Feel free to list even more suggestions or ask me anything in this thread if it lasts and I'll check it out tomorrow.


>Someone here even mentioned the name Polesuba and I like that as well.
I did that!!!
Finally, another aroGOD
I think that froot x doll yaoi shit would be fine if it was just sloppy oekakis but some of em look like they had goonage as a motivation, that’s coal.


>to bald man with glasses website staff gay porn


File: 1726691297094.jpg (66.11 KB, 602x454, images - 2024-08-25T235514….jpg)

Imagine japan was colonized by portugal and the native japanese were so brutally enslaved and worked to death that the Portuguese had to import niggers to replace them with and the yamato royal family was wiped out and raped to death by sweaty moorberian men


File: 1726691298472.jpg (187.44 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Machikado Maz….jpg)

How has your day been in your country?


File: 1726691298756.png (36.92 KB, 657x450, 1718774307476235.png)

>The black nobility or black aristocracy (Italian: nobiltà nera, aristocrazia nera) are Roman aristocratic families who sided with the Papacy under Pope Pius IX
We wuz brothas?


File: 1726691299392.png (305.81 KB, 1068x601, 1726624814428.png)

to bald man with glasses website staff gay porn


File: 1726691299468.jpg (116.39 KB, 1200x797, a6aed6bf3f6437cfe479b517ce….jpg)

I fucking love this country. Every day is the same, a bunch of fucking stinking and angry people. Your country has the same public transport? Do you still want to come here, lovers of depression and winter?


Western countries gave up on colonizing Japan, because Japan had the most guns in the world in that era.


a bunch of smelly and stuffy people


I'd like to take a tiny portion of this thread to reply to another anon

Rahul Ananda's house burning down was a national tragedy. I cried when I heard about it, There was also the destruction of the statue of Venus in Soshi Lodge, Mymensingh, and many museums getting burned and/or looted. I don't understand why people like to put an agenda on it when it can be explained much more simply: it was just third-worlders being third-worlders. I've seen people carry 20$ furniture out of houses that day with my very eyes. These lowlifes don't have an agenda. They see chaos and the first thing they think about it how they can profit from it, or how much havoc they can wreak. There isn't much more to it.


Even then everyone knew that being a tradcath was AFrican behavior….groypers never learn


guns they got from colonizers lmao
chill out takahiro


File: 1726691351847.png (402.45 KB, 680x509, IMG_1725.png)

Is caving a thing you do in your country?


File: 1726691352343.jpg (168.14 KB, 1148x2184, GFLbgY5bgAASooQ.jpg)

Swedish women are literally orange.


File: 1726691352751.png (205.88 KB, 580x449, 1722971340333539.png)

>greeks really threw a tantrum like a little baby and forced macedonia to change its name


File: 1726691355840.jpg (309.83 KB, 1952x1585, 1724653250807875.jpg)

What country produces the best boys?

What boy phenotype is the best?


No and I'm starting to think this is an american exclusive thing.


So trump is actually a Swedish woman


It will always be FYROM to me


Kill gays


File: 1726691499335.png (74.44 KB, 553x506, IMG_1039.png)

Why are Americans so nice? I’m visiting from Estonia and everyone is smiling at me and trying to have small talk. I feel important, they make me feel human unironically


File: 1726691515963.png (487.11 KB, 1280x1920, IMG_0541.png)

>median income in Spain is €18,000 euros
>median income in Canada is €28,000 euros
>you might think we have it better but by adjusting purchasing power and even though Canada has cheap oil compared to Spain the actual median income in Spain is €27,600 and in Canada it is €31,000 euros
Why are southroons still desperate to come here?


File: 1726691557271.png (252.38 KB, 460x276, 1713854808808523.png)

Which country is this?


That's called being polite


stop saying blanny brown troonjak will forever be funnier


In southern Europe it’s often a problem to find a job in the first place and incomes are skewed towards old people more than elsewhere


File: 1726691625783.jpg (346.22 KB, 1536x1518, 1717258137374791.jpg)

Germany ofc


They don’t think of it as something genuine. Not that it’s bad, but don’t take it to heart. That cashier lady doesn’t care about your day. She just doesn’t want to get fired because Karen complained to the management about her impoliteness.


Old people have kids though


poland unironically


I used to think this too. Americans were way too nice to me, specially in hotels and restaurants. But once I told them I wasn't going to tip them, their facade fell off and they showed their true colours. Sad


Also euro cities are small and compact, euro cars are small and compact to adjust for that and there’s less need for gas when you just need to drive like 5km to and back your destination.


Poland :3


> implying the insane neo nazi component in this board comes from non europeans/westerners

Who are you kidding though? Most of the nastiest grotesque "race realist" stuff is spewed by western flags


Because you're sticking to the touristy parts of America, the Americans who are nice to you just want your money.


That’s not true in the slightest. Go to some backwater in Iowa and they’ll still act this way. They do it among themselves.


File: 1726691840160.png (37.34 KB, 816x330, violents.png)

Am I tripping or is the c in violence a ts sound?

It sounds like violents, not violens.


estonian niggas be like "wow people aren't spitting on me or trying to steal my wallet, what is going on here?".


It seems that the original message may come off as disrespectful or insulting, and it’s important to communicate with kindness and understanding. Instead of using derogatory language like "retarded," let's reframe the message in a more positive and respectful manner.

Here’s an alternative approach:

"Hi there! I appreciate your perspective, but I’d love to understand your reasoning a bit better. Could you help clarify your point of view? Open discussions can lead to wonderful insights, and I believe we can learn a lot from one another. Thank you!"

This way, we can encourage constructive dialogue while treating everyone with respect.


File: 1726691896074.jpg (3.28 MB, 6720x4480, 1725989408623.jpg)

When was the last time you actually went swimming in your country?
In a pool or sea/lake/ocean?


it is but it's because of an unconscious inserting that happens from pronouncing an n to an s so it isn't incredibly necessary to show.
the schwa before the l however is not pronounce by most people.


Americans are all fake plastic people, as the other anon said its just a facade


Joined swimming classes at a college pool when I was 11. Three classes in they made me swim with the college students because I was a fast learner. So, they had me line up with them from the highest platform that was like 20 ft high or something.
I was scared and refused to jump and the trainer was gentle with me too telling me not to be afraid.
But my father who was there signalled for the trainer to push me in the back. Fell like hundred feet into the pool without bracing and almost ended up drowning from the shock. Even now I'm traumatised when the first impact happens when I dive into water.


File: 1726692944197.mp4 (632.74 KB, 464x480, polska.mp4)

>polack dev
shut this shitty site down


Geg you shemmyshits now have a 4cuck as an admin
good riddance


tranny bantroon dev is the perfect fit for this dying gaping wound of a site


File: 1726694379985.gif (1.26 MB, 320x320, feral flashing.gif)

>tranny bantroon dev is the perfect fit for this dying gaping wound of a site


File: 1726694789742.jpeg (219.31 KB, 1283x1283, IMG_1613.jpeg)

>new dev gets hired
>janny potentially goes rouge 3 hours later (unless that was just an edited picture)
ay carumba


>/s4s/ and /r9k/, mostly. /bant/ sometimes
He uses the pedo and incel boards on 4cuck, grim


witaj polskiBOGU


File: 1726694920179.png (22.68 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

>and ai/botcord wakes up
sweet sarsaparilla


File: 1726694959436.png (24.97 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)



kys red


nigga that picture is monochrome ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️




i figured. i just thought it was a little weird that the post got deleted.
thank you kween


fuck my nigger life i dont understand




oh ok
thank you


>saging pinned thread
epic fail


never posting on this site again


is it really pollyanna? if so leak /j/ buddy, even a pedo british twink can manage that


spent 2 minutes writing a sharty thread award


fat smelly brap above me


Add catalog view to the overboard


Foodists. Janjans keep your eyes on these faggots though if possible i’d recommend banning them outright


Oh, it already got deleted. Good riddance. And good eye, jannygods


Can you bring back this thread?


Sadly not


File: 1726698533376.jpg (33.08 KB, 789x1000, giga7.jpg)

url parameter that automatically enlarges all images in a thread on load so i dont have to put effort into archiving threads on archive.is




File: 1726702179195.png (251.16 KB, 512x512, ClipboardImage.png)

>nice to see somebody else noticed
>>lowercase name while capcoding
>>avatarfagging as a little girl
>>fucking poly
>>same code style as his janny userscripts on the sharty


Initially i would’ve said that poly is derived from polesuba so its an unfortunate coincidence but with this considered it gets interesting.


if red would actually come back i seriously doubt he would be that retarded and put a name as obvious as that
Or its a normal dev who want to make everyone schizo out and put a intentionally trollish name like that


>polish flag
>there are a lot of polish migrants in the uk
yep it's fucking red


Any chance you could fix cyclical threads?


do this


moved this here because i think its important, original thread on /soy/ is still up and unlocked so people can still reply though


>my cellular data is so bad that posting from TOR is faster and easier


not how that works retardchad


File: 1730726084557.gif (1.22 MB, 1200x750, wholosome dying.gif)

i miss her so much…


bbc or bwc @poly



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