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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1719720238263.png (Spoiler Image, 445.83 KB, 1500x1500, aaa16d35-b5fb-4469-bb51-b4….png)


What are your thoughts on Shmorky and Flurps of his? Are they neet, or troon?
I don't know
That's why I ask y'all about that duh

File: 1719700897017.png (64.01 KB, 627x627, 0E982D45-029C-463B-BF01-4B….png)


>go on the booru
>find out that I've been automatically logged out of my account
>try to log in
>says that no user with those credentials exist
>check my account to see if it got banned
>nope, its still there
I swear thats the exact password I attached to my soybooru account

File: 1718275376824.png (159.79 KB, 968x915, ClipboardImage.png)






God bless lidl

File: 1714491959811.png (13.19 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


attempted to draw a made up variant, i call him "ickson" or something


File: 1714508895202.png (14.25 KB, 500x250, babajak.png)

>attempted to draw a made up variant, i call him "ickson" or something


File: 1719098451522.jpg (55.58 KB, 478x1024, 1691123348458.jpg)

why are you looking at my post history bro



File: 1714428052114.png (151.35 KB, 2168x1080, 6fe955e5-149e-4672-9162-b9….png)


Irene, the octoling nazi, i finally finished it, but the hands are a bit fucked
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.




Kys captain woomy




I think for the last actual attempt at drawing this was alot better than last time, although tbf last time i tried it was complete shit, i think i might just be slightly above chrischan in terms of drawing.



File: 1717536440839.jpg (18.84 KB, 474x472, reddit seethe.jpg)


>tracing… le BAD!


tracing le bad even doe gemmy soyjaks are made with traces



File: 1718298039652.jpeg (77.17 KB, 1200x630, 56B28C22-722D-4625-BCEE-D….jpeg)



File: 1714049019331.png (233.55 KB, 1628x750, 1713860888232.png)


Rizz party polandball just dropped


this will definitely take off



File: 1717842212142-0.png (10.94 KB, 191x255, soyjak 20 (neutral face).png)

File: 1717842212143-1.jpeg (3.64 MB, 3840x2160, IMG-20240608-WA0000.jpeg)


here's some chalk art that I drew recently
(I added the domain and a few more 'jaks after)


bro wants the kindergartener audience


File: 1717845769844.png (235.02 KB, 542x600, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1717851329453.jpg (7.16 KB, 225x225, 9173024.jpg)

>I dont look like a bot.

File: 1717760522742.gif (988.82 KB, 700x800, 1717711221238x-1.gif)


revive this board now
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


im not coping the decision is retarded


File: 1717770285964.jpg (13.82 KB, 368x358, 1717260145638.jpg)

>mental illness the post
>well okay i agree with the post but still


im 663 retard



pack it up, its over

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