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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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mutt issa gem doe




>they don’t know


those who know☠️👉👉👉


gem that made me laugh

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i love you art foids

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3d modelling should count as art right…?
just post anything 3d ITT.
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i got bored


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>its real
holy gem

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What happened to the "shitty coaly oekaki" thread?
link https://soygem.party/art/res/1408.html
'chive https://archive.ph/MWdGm
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i deleted it because i don't like it anymore. i must admit doe, i do find some of my oekakis funny (like the squirreljak one)
right now i don't feel like it to draw and post on the shemmy, sorry. i still remember that someone asked me to draw doctos, but i can't tell if i'm going to deliver it or not - at least for now
i really wasn't expecting that someone will like this thread keeeeek, thanks i guess


maybe there will be "shitty coally oekakis thread part 2" in the future, but not right now


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No problem. Thanks for answering by the way.


brought it back >>1887

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shoally watermark for when logan posts your gems on the dailyjak





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dead board shut it down

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Just a thread to post resources in, some guides, tips, tricks, etc.
I've got some stuff to recommend, but before that, let me share some wisdom that has personally helped me, so it may help you as well.
>Just draw works.
But many take it the wrong way. The thing about just draw is that it is true, to be good at drawing you need to draw a lot, however in order to actually improve, you shouldn't just do it mindlessly. Art is "work smart AND hard". Art is mimicking reality. And this is what you should be doing. You will never improve if you don't practice by drawing from reference first. But it also isn't just copying. To truly replicate life, you need to understand how it works.
Let's say, you decide to grind drawing hands. You WILL have a better time doing that if you know how the bone and muscle structure works, instead of just taking it at surface level. If you can imagine the hand moving itself in your head, if you understand what pulls the fingers, the limitations of joints.

Now, there are several types of resources. The thing I disliked about /ic/ is the constant shit flinging about which book/course author is a hack or not. Just choose what works best for you.

For now I'll just put the annas links here. If there are issues with that archive, please notify me.
Personal recs:
>Burne Hogarth - Dynamic Anatomy
>Burne Hogarth - Dynamic Figure Drawing
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>you VILL read a bunch of endless books instead of practicing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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is this ture


paid art/3d stuff/animation courses… FOR FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but it'll take a while to download a whole course because you have to download one course at a time because uhhhh you jsut have to you stupid piece of shit chud


photoshop/procreatesissies GTFIH


should i stop trying to draw with a mouse and use the drawing tablet and pen that i have brought, since i have the introduction to drawing with the right brain. there is probally a reason i only make something once a month. since im left handed i have to be utterly inspired to ack the right brain the right hand that guides the mouse. (since le right hand is the left brain and the left hand is the right brain. or however i saw it when i was skimming through promtehous rising) so it would be benefical to use my dominant hand to draw instead via pen

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i can come here right
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are you still here?


yeah what do u want


Can you draw soy-tan?


im not the og artist dude sorry


It's okay

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ms paint mame





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The glowies slong

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