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/j/ - Janny

claim your free hotpockets here
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does nobody use this board anymore why is it dead


it gets leaked constantly.



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new toss









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Daily reminder that Vadminsperg is an autistic cuckold who only wants to watch his "waifu" get fucked by some greasy black niggers. Doddernigger is a biden shill, anti-white, kike piece of trash who regularly organizes raids and shitposting across mutiple boards from out of his tranny discord, and Yotsubanigger is a muslim AIDS-ridden drug junkie faggot with homolust

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kek, its kino

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new soicuck flags or something


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and the christian flag too i guess

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geg site is fully dead now
anyways i've moved on i'm making my own shitty dungeon synth project called hermit
love you nushemcacas


sup codebro
that's great to see you carrying on with new projects, pretty different direction you took to what you were doing here
i wonder how it'll turn out
have a good one brother


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the 3rd best music genre ofc (2nd to metalcore and then black metal at the top)
It's basically synth / dark ambient with black metal influences and usually fantasy / past themed.
Dungeon synth also has a subgenre called "Comfy synth", which is as it sounds, comfy.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpshCiWo-aE3S17FJNxF5Cg (comfy synth archives)
You can check 100's of songs from the microgenres in the links above.
The first track i made is more comfy and atmospheric (in the file I sent), give it a listen.
yeah np, I've wanted to make music for a long time now.
I plan on making an EP which will have a mix of classic dungeon synth with some /calm/ ambient type tracks.

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>From [email protected] on 2024-10-01 20:53
>Hello, I sadly can't post on your site anymore due to it being in staff-only mode (because that's what your bot prevention does) but I believe I am your only hope of unscrewing your mess. You have just about 0 competent developers on your team. Please reply to me asap if you don't want your imageboard staying a dead nigger moneysink. I'll even let you call me doll, who I am not, if that makes you happy.

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do we have to namefag here now




as you wish


er however you want i mean
i dont think about it

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