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/j/ - Janny

claim your free hotpockets here
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I am resigning here, as I've had some things come up and can no longer contribute to this site's moderation. I wish you all the best with your various projects and whatnot, and I'd like for someone with apt perms to remove my account.

Thank you all.

>You must upload an image.


geg even his last moments he's a furkike pokefag geg

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were cloaks being removed because of me or the nazi frogposter
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can they really reverse it to a correct ip based just off of what was leaked though


like i know cloaks aren't completely random but i still feel like this was kind of an overreaction


Leaking /j/ is literal nothingburger, there's nothing here important anyways
Also who are rogue mods in question (like their names)?


>cloaks aren't completely random
Even if they could somehow get deciphered they are just hiding ip range, not entire ip address (ip ranges are also visible in ban pages on most altchans anyways)


the random number named one xe was confirmed to give xis account away but he wasnt the one who leaked /j/ if i remember correctly.

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pretty sure this is Spirit Airlines, can i delete threads made by xim and only xim specifically(but not replies) if thats fine? i just dont want the overboard to become like the jarty's where its 24/7 spam by one and only one obsessed faggot


>pretty sure
I don't want us to become obsessed with random ips and whatever okay? So no. Not until it actually starts to become an issue.


ok, sorry


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i fucking dread whatever tomorrow brings




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Rouge janny has been acked. Apparently his account info was leaked on the sharty's /gem/ board.


what did he do


Elaborate what happened

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>capcodes still dont work for admin accounts
i cant breathe o algo


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That's because I still don't have server access.


sorry but this flag is fucking hilarious


is she fighting in the falklands war

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what did quote mean by this


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wait could froot actually own ED now



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Codefag has some explaining to do.
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why do you think i wanna work with Western Bagel
i worked with xer for abt 3 days a while back b4 learning she's a major fucking faggot and i took down their website
no i'm not working on some new dead nigger baby of a site by someone who i hate
who said this




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This better be true. Some of us were worried you were still talking to her or something. Someone mentioned you by name on her shit website so it just sounded suspicious. Good that you're willing to clear things up though.


I was told by ja‎ika that ry‎e has direct and frequent contact with bu‎5t


yeah np. I'm havent talked to xer in months.

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The catalogs have been incredibly out of date for like a week and a half now

>You must upload an image.


yup index won sorry logsissies


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That makes it harder to effectively moderate


Thank you to whoever fixed it

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When do you guys think we should start hiring again?


we definitely don't need more jannies, we need to go out somewhere completely different and look for an imageboard developer

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starting now you WILL delete ANY discord threads or mentions from now on, this includes the гye shit.


demote me to none or janny already


thanks janny



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