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/j/ - Janny

claim your free hotpockets here
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Everything working smoothly for everyone?




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apparently not.


Really? I only pushed the .js changes along with enabling filestrip.js on the PHP configuration. It's loading fine for me.


maybe its just him but it works normally for me.

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I'm still waiting on the necessary details so we can transfer developers. I have the scripts ready that I want to push out. Meanwhile, do you think we should keep the Quote button or do I separate it so that you can both > and < quote? I have both changes ready anyways so just let me know.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


the quote button used to be both [>] and [<] a long time ago, i liked that and would love to see it come back even if yellowtexting someone doesn't really have that much purpose tbh


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<If all of the kings had their queens on the throne
<We would pop champagne and raise a toast
<To all of the queens who are fighting alone
<Baby, you're not dancin' on your own


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>seperate ze quote
That's what I'm currently using anyways, haha. It needs a bit of revamping though. I have a few ideas for it. First, I want to make it also act like a reply function too instead of just quoting it in the board's index area. Second, how it works is that if you for example press >, it will quote the text, but if you press <, instead of adding another quote, it will just replace the existing > with a <. Third, I'd like to make it so that it quotes based on selection as well. For example, selecting a part of a text and pressing one of the quote buttons will only quote the selected text. This will take some time and I'm not sure if I can accomplish all of it. I'll just push it how it is first then I can overhaul it later.


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Second and third change done! Now you can quote based on the selected text if you want and pressing either buttons will add a new line with a new quote instead of simply replacing the former quote. Polesuba win!


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we desperately need cloudflare's 'p filter

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Good morning /j/. It seems I missed a LOT of stuff the whole time I was away. Can anyone give me a summary or a rundown of what happened?
10 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


also, we dont have a jannycord, and i havent used discord in like a year (dont know if i can say the same about anyone else here though, they're probably just using it for personal contacts anyway which i dont really need since i have no friends)


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>he doesnt know about jannycord.


stop playjng with me i know you deleted it
and if its something only admins and managers like you have access too then uhhh its not really a jannycord


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I meant deleting and even banning people for any mention related to or that comes from Discord. I know you want to minimize rules as much as possible but this discourse seems to be slowly self-destructing this site especially if you don't act upon it.


i think deleting drama threads and shit should be fine enough, banning larping will really get people riled up and maybe even drop our pph to jarty levels
also, im not really familliar with discord lingo and i think some of it just may just actually be normie memes that also pop up on other websites, so i wouldnt really know how to "delete any mention related to or that comes from Discord"

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vadim dodder codefag turn off bidenflare someone wants to post and i think that faggot is gone


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>3 hours later
>bidenflare is still on


i woke up just for you little buddy


thank you xista <3

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add the cord rule back negros


tell doddermodd or something you taaaaard

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should I B&D threads made by ry e?
i feel like i should since we know what shes done and having her around will just revive drama, but at the same time croatian seems like they make a good point that ry e might be being groomed
am i being too kind? i really feel like im being too kind to this faggot but i dont know
also sorry doddermod, you were not being unfair for banning her, i just didnt have context of what she did at the time


just ban xer, i dont want this site to get involved with them anymore.

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nigga tf happened

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i've resigned, doddermod or vadim, email me at [email protected] when you have found a new dev, I will email back the login credentials.


the "sobot" account is the new dev
pm info to that

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Hey @vadim and @doddermod
please find a new developer soon, I'm not nearly active enough as needed.
If you can thoroughly prove any new dev is trustable, then we can give xim server access.


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as if we werent in deep shit already.

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did someone take the fat nigger flying image and use it to botnet spam?
im noticing a lot of threads are being necrobumped by ips with no post history using that image, should bidenflare be turned on?


yeah i turned it on.

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