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/j/ - Janny

claim your free hotpockets here
Password (For file deletion.)

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bidenflare /qa/ naow

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>Board: /soy/
>Reason: make a captcha retards
>Report date: 09/27/24 (Fri) 14:43:08
>Reported by: Cloak:5MOQPMD

File: 1727348875971.png (178.44 KB, 720x651, 1726940926521.png)


Trumpflare failed. Proxy detection failed and harmed many regular users. Negotiation failed. Fucking bidenflare failed. We need a working captcha or it's over.
2 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Just let it go and do this
I would much rather have peaceful community with which I can interact in peace then whatever we have now


Even if we get working captcha many shemmy regulars already left because they think it's going to be permanently on


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demoralicord woke up.


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i have recent posts and report queue on the right side of my screen refreshing 24/7, so if we still dont have an actual solution to the botnet problem yet maybe the dev can make like a rushed post queue for people not whitelisted by bidenflare to be manually whitelisted
though this queue would probably also have to be filtered so actual posters aren't drowned out by spam, maybe if a post uses an image under 5 kb or it uses specific words its not added to the queue?
i admit this sounds unrealistic and ridiculous, but im a lifeless faggot whos on my laptop 90% of the day and a few hours at night so i think i could handle it
this is all just in the context of "for the time being until a working captcha or something is made", in no world do i think this would ever work as a long-term solution and im not even completely sure it would work now
picrel is me whilst writing all this


do this or something.

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should i ban cloaks randomly linking panchan


also does anyone know why albert is banned on soybooru?


they know he's a dev here


that's r ye that's promoting this shit board or whatever. kill it.

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i tried to update format.html
the html is fucking terrible and overuses line breaks but i think it works at least


fuck i forgot the dash after the second trans

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Posting in /gen/, /j/, /mlp/, /ohio/, /sgp/, /z/, and /zellig/ is broken because of OpenAI





still broken on the other boards(well at least /sgp/)

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figured out how to write simple html just to make improved rules just for me to realize this is way too long award
5 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.






shake it up baby


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I should probably fix the tripcode color if for any reason an admin somehow wants to tripfag alongside the capcode.

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why did a lot of those botnet cloaks start with GK7


idk. weird

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