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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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File: 1735787558911.png (98.77 KB, 900x900, 1698373197671.png)


34 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1735790666869.png (38.85 KB, 898x477, ClipboardImage.png)

kys pedo


I like inspect element ngl, I rape dogs


kys pedo


anyone else a fan of raping dogs and accusing myself of being a pedo because it's true


just gonna drop this here >>197439

File: 1735789765794.png (74.65 KB, 300x100, ClipboardImage.png)


should we make a shemmy edit?


can't dyi award


File: 1735790791321.mp4 (19.21 MB, 960x720, poly sovl.mp4)

File: 1735790563625.png (55.04 KB, 883x1306, feral_nut.png)




File: 1735790706801.png (102.8 KB, 1108x1832, 0512 - JartycuckBooru.png)


there is NO SUCH THING

File: 1735789977508.png (763.11 KB, 640x640, ClipboardImage.png)


I feel like shit AMA
>I feel like shit
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


ecab come back


>everyone started talking about mi during my ban so
nah 😂 not here my nigga the doors over there



nusoi, nusoistreet


File: 1735790526566.png (31.39 KB, 128x132, Clipboardimage 9.png)

albania is white.

File: 1735790124136.png (862.54 KB, 1915x1080, 1720740453023.png)


>shemmy culture isn't gemm-


I remember Leno said something about this


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she LOST


do you think he fucked the head after


i definitely did

File: 1722141447100.png (8.61 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


Draw mameson
48 posts and 32 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


that's not mameson faggot


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rate my new soyboy woahedjacks guys. I think it's pretty gemmy.


File: 1735789540332.png (8.6 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

Sorry i forgot to turn off oekaki before bumping


>mameson when he sees sean raping his tama body pillow again


more like mameson body pillow

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"bbc jokes in 2025"


File: 1735789038049.png (253.68 KB, 776x658, IMG_2948.png)

>Slitting your vains in 2025


Streety do this!


Im good


do this please


no im good

File: 1735788558051.png (1.89 MB, 1050x788, 0773-CWC23.png)


Make me janny
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


If you don't samefag and post 50 threads a day..
you're not gonna be an admin..


I did NOT same fag


you will also need to suck 50 bbcs every day.


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>bbc jokes in 2025


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>>>199157 (You)
>>bbc jokes in 2025

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me. if i cate

File: 1735788452238.gif (18.83 MB, 600x600, 1728518247725.gif)


>The shemmy's server on January 22nd, 2025


He will come back…


File: 1735788573014.png (617.83 KB, 608x638, chuddy.png)

can someone just pay him to not do it on that one day atleast please, it'd be gemmy if we didn't have to deal with it

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>The Depraved Story of Khord Kitty

File: 1722068306913.png (135.82 KB, 460x667, Untitled778_20240723232133….png)

 No.178418[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

post ALL your Tamas
245 posts and 133 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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File: 1735574812557-2.mp4 (4.44 MB, 640x360, shemmy tama.mp4)

The vid is originally from https://soygem.party/soy/res/402712.html


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File: 1735788123682.png (62.08 KB, 382x665, crying twitterbaba.png)


>literal nazi youth

File: 1735788046417.mp4 (3.94 MB, 480x480, -1848535213639892730.mp4)



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