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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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File: 1735970977438.mp4 (5.37 MB, 540x960, 1735970938090.mp4)


new shoally stats just dropped
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


i've never posted on that shitty site i'd rather kill myself lol
i can get out of bed fine but i don't shower often, once a week is fine for me


File: 1735972203860.mp4 (6.2 MB, 576x1024, 1735972153022.mp4)

what the HELL do you mean sh*rtypedo??? not showering is SHEMMY CULTURE NEWFAG!!! 🤬




kys lviv


die out lviv you're not funny

File: 1735966554333.gif (65.1 KB, 550x400, felt2friggencool.gif)


2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1735967926145.png (29.21 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

i don't know


be happy


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sadness is temporary, feel happy you can experience living and getting to see things change


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What did we learn today /qa/?




unfortunate also hello feral

File: 1735939680742.png (354.95 KB, 852x469, ClipboardImage.png)


>What an gemmy thread from hiperborea
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>english as a second language
>united kingdom flag
what..? but that's the origin of english


stop questioning the image and get to posting


The creator of the image is a retarded mutt thinks that every country beside the USA is thirde world


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>every country besides the usa is third world

File: 1735963511692.gif (912.01 KB, 500x667, fan of christmas.gif)


>poly isn't a transwoman because she said she isn't, your identity isn't based on other peoples perception of you you can be whatever you want!

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word filter quote, delete sharty obsession threads, and never raid frootcord sites

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guys we need a fucking dev or it's over

File: 1735960754453.webp (259.78 KB, 1600x1064, brown-Guernsey-cow.webp)


are we live, chat?

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>lovelyshemmyKINGSandQUEENS are so graceful they don't even BAN PEOPLE anymore
might as well make all other sites redirect to soygem.party..

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i wish i could get complete control over my emotions. the states they put me in hinder my productivity and relations. how does one break their own stubbornness, without feeling personal defeat


do lsd


this sounds interesting but i don't think i can do this currently


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>this sounds interesting but i don't think i can do this currently

File: 1735942839189.jpg (2.7 KB, 89x125, 1716242532084.jpg)


>Arrive Alive

File: 1735942587597.png (146.87 KB, 548x600, 1723136454459.png)


>>>>>>>201099 (You)
>>>>>but how does this image relate to the sentence?


>those quads
i kneel

File: 1735942488394.jpg (38.69 KB, 450x450, tfw your wife leaves you f….jpg)


>>>>>>201099 (You)
>>>>but how does this image relate to the sentence?

File: 1729789082618-0.png (24.89 KB, 600x450, mameson disappointed.png)

File: 1729789082618-1.png (32.14 KB, 600x450, mameson crying face.png)

File: 1729789082618-2.png (30.71 KB, 600x450, mameson face with head ban….png)

File: 1729789082618-3.png (25.96 KB, 600x450, mameson money mouth face.png)


I'm making another thread because someone wiped the catty while i was gone.
Previous thread: https://archive.md/yXsYU
All of the mamesons from the previous thread can be found here >>>/qa/189746
80 posts and 45 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




Go up


this goes up!


>bumping this nigger ev&oe 2 weeks with no post
shut it down GEEEEG!


free speech you fucking chud
I can bump what i want

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