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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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>Super Mario Logan: Tortured by Fame

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Ouuuuuuu Im going to kill myself i cant take this anymore




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So what did we learn today /qa/?


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i ate vanilla icecream


i just woke up

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>Not daily.
what did she mean by this?


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Shut. It. Down. Already.


what if we had a meet up and went to quote's real house and killed him in real life but actually and live streamed it lol


who would name their child 'quote'?
what an idiot




yeah whoever did needs to be killed

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Laugh at him.
79 posts and 60 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


you win the slapfight this time because that nigga ruined it for me


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mymy how big is your soymy collection


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i just use the zarty archive thread because i keep accidentally formatting my external harddrive, i once zipped up my original folder and gave it to somebody here when he asked and i sometimes see the retarded filenames but who knows if its the same person it could be somebody else.
its hard to count how many i had anyway because usually i would make a quick edit in gimp and then paste them here from my clipboard then save them to my folder from here so i'd end up saving the same image like 3 times, since i would forget because i used to spam so much for like 20 hours straight


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>spamming soymy for 20 hours straight
just give this guy admin already


retarded filenames here sometimes someone else uses it but it's me 75% of the time

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merge /sgp/ with this board too


merge every board with /bbc/ then delete it so theres no boards for anyone to post on


even doe it's /blacked/

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why so dead tho


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shut it down


no one does this

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Are we back to comfy ppd and pph?

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>Why you should DOX this random youtuber with 20 subscribers and 2 average views. (TRIGGER WARNING: tranime, posts troon memes, CHUDPHOBIA!!!!!!!!.)


doxxing fell off bruh


soycacas really be doing this tho

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does anyone remember..


No soyjaks should've stayed iñ 2024


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We're sending you back.


Me in the video if that matters

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Trump is the 19th President of the American Nation (Blood Reich Volk White Aryan Warrior Bundes Krieg)
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


kekius maximus, its kino




File: 1735785079802.jpg (1.15 MB, 1280x720, 1717953825053.jpg)

i am trump

i am president

i am emperor

i am fuhrer

i am christ

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


checked and kek'd


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nice digits

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>shartycucks need to do WEED and COCAINE and FENT because they're SAD they can't ever WIN

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>Why you should HATE this random youtuber with 20 subscribers and 2 average views. (TRIGGER WARNING: SA, HOMOPHOBIA, VIOLENCE.)

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I miss coswork…


is he dead?

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