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File: 1735805054416.jpg (190.89 KB, 500x491, 1735805034796.jpg)


"mymy is actually built for bwc not bbc you stupid fucking chud"
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kys quote




shut this raisinhole down


Im a trans girl btw


sharty's pedo developer is back get on https://ninny.win

File: 1735798856002.png (4.11 KB, 68x69, 1735798835816.png)


you too may chance. image since 'coal'. may a nusoiclunkers.. don't be i've put what 'gem' take Go the an you.. be a is.. I ahead a or spoiler over image… a know it..
it present






those who know button >>>>>>>>

File: 1735804513460.png (4.85 KB, 376x25, 1735804481628.png)


Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


that's aryan shemmycuck


File: 1735804865108.png (2.7 KB, 182x19, 1735804665649.png)




File: 1735802083773.png (262.76 KB, 760x704, 1735802066579.png)


>The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F-ACK!




I read like the first third of that book it was perfectly okay self help slop I'm not sure why yoou hate it


self improvement is trying to be a tranwinner instead of being a cisloser, you should just let the wheel of fate dictate your life according to the most radical of chuds


File: 1735804955704.png (215.87 KB, 452x470, 1735804936969.png)

I read like the first third of that book it was perfectly okay self help slop I'm not sure why yoou hate it

>I read like the first third of that book it was perfectly okay self help slop I'm not sure why yoou hate it

File: 1735798038838.gif (37.49 KB, 128x128, figuring out how to get th….gif)


how do people even post on these altchans anymore, imageboards feel like garbage when it's literally just 4 people ever posting on your shithole
imagine these people seeing anything more than 10 pph
28 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


face reality


the way you put it makes it seem like they're as active as 4cuck, they may have the ppd but they aren't really active


they're more active than 4cuck and if you don't agree you're delusion and in denial


shartycucks probably say this inironically


File: 1735798367106-0.png (185.01 KB, 596x720, nusoicaca.png)

File: 1735798367106-1.png (44.5 KB, 1332x188, ClipboardImage.png)

 No.200437[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>shemmycucks are heckin furry pedo gooners or whatever
401 posts and 106 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


ok i'm tired enjoy keeping this shithole alive with samefagging


ohnononono shemmyfails


File: 1735804771278.jpg (132.66 KB, 1392x1356, 1735804766707.jpg)

this means his dad speaks to him ONCE A WEEK


average shemmycuck


It's not a good look adfexistas

File: 1729904291278.png (135 KB, 703x550, 1729892278742.png)

 No.192821[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread: https://archive.ph/IqhPN
IAS dump, ideally IAS made here on the shemmy like pic rel
233 posts and 241 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




Go up




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File: 1735791390069.jpg (173.35 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20250102_123415_053.jpg)


its been a while
11 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


draw lee taking dat bibisea


keyed do this


File: 1735800702031.png (824.17 KB, 874x892, 20250102_155004.png)


gem now draw poly peg… holding hands with vadim


that's a really great drawing

File: 1735796590249.png (77.85 KB, 708x800, seether.png)


Why did a few BBC falseflags make xer leave but people spamming flashing lights in gifs and cytubes in early shemmy do nothing?
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that's funny and gemmy


and lowkey sad cause his parents wasted money and time with raising him just for him to become a gay nigger who will kill himself because of dead imageboards


>I'm leaving the site because people were mean to me there!
>But if that site dies, I'll kill myself!
What is his mindset?



File: 1735798707198.png (166.43 KB, 612x498, 1709793800109.png)


>my neighbors

File: 1735525613973.png (460.57 KB, 828x910, sean 1.png)


Making a shemmy themed sims 4 save.
I currently have only sean and am thinking of adding tama. Who should i add to the save and what should their and sean's traits be?
42 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



i am a endogenic did system w/ 5 alters you shut your fuck up CHUDCEL IM VALID IM VALID IM VALID REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


File: 1735780932846-0.png (544.47 KB, 905x988, feralteen.png)

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File: 1735780932846-2.png (460.01 KB, 829x903, angeleno.png)

File: 1735780932846-3.png (573.5 KB, 895x892, svvt.png)

added a bunch of shemmy characters including me


>no raidGOD


Bumpy bump

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I'm making mameson emojis
What do you think?
82 posts and 102 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1733990710599-0.png (30.71 KB, 600x450, mameson partying face.png)

File: 1733990710599-1.png (32.77 KB, 600x450, mameson cowboy hat.png)

File: 1733990710599-2.png (24.84 KB, 600x450, mameson face with hand ove….png)

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File: 1734859787310-2.png (31.27 KB, 600x450, mameson smiling face with ….png)

File: 1734859787310-3.png (31.49 KB, 600x450, mameson angry face with ho….png)







File: 1735798149664.png (Spoiler Image, 190.38 KB, 1250x795, ClipboardImage.png)


Go ahead nusoiclunkers.. I present too you.. an image… you don't know what the image is.. since i've put a spoiler over it..
it may be a 'gem' or may be a 'coal'. take a chance.




he does not take hrt


she doesn't need to

File: 1735798057742.jpg (6.54 KB, 198x250, 1716242515309.jpg)




File: 1735798126190.png (544.47 KB, 905x988, feralteen.png)


File: 1735797302811.jpg (Spoiler Image, 128.58 KB, 821x644, soyak_swing.jpg)


Go ahead nusoiclunkers.. I present too you.. an image… you don't know what the image is.. since i've put a spoiler over it..
it may be a 'gem' or may be a 'coal'. take a chance.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


dear god NO!


forgot to disguise myself.
You never saw this goyim.


blud ain't no way i'm clicking that


File: 1735797417484.png (315.93 KB, 470x533, funhatingfaggot.png)

>blud ain't no way i'm clicking that


File: 1735798039647.jpg (50.45 KB, 657x527, 1735797156291.jpg)

>it's a gem

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