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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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File: 1735962361592.png (328.14 KB, 561x561, 1709409772361.png)


Yeppp.. it's comfy pph hours bros!


That's aryan.


here i shat on my bvlls BBC


BEC* sorry for the mistake




File: 1735989237356.gif (606.71 KB, 250x250, niggerpph.gif)

comfy ev&oe its dead nigga

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guys where do you go when the shemmy goes down?
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hammer editor


File: 1735975287622.png (390.1 KB, 529x637, proud boymoder.png)

>outside because i am a normal person


projecting kike im 6 months hrt and I look pretty, not like that picture you posted




File: 1735983222842.png (2.17 MB, 1918x1440, welcome to the film club q….png)

>projecting kike im 6 months hrt and I look pretty, not like that picture you posted

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do ninny pedos really?

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Hi /qa/. Sorry for the hold up. Site was getting DDoSed and I didn't have internet because I'm moving out. It'll take a while though so I won't appear on the site a lot.
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I'm really sorry that you have to live like this tbh, and I hope you can find workarounds


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>barely had any sleep because of the hard floor and abysmal cold
>legs and feet hurt from standing all day
>haven't ate shit since yesterday
What a horrible Saturday, and I had to deal with that DDoS after all that, no way.


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i hope things get better for you soon


It's alright. You take what you can get. It's only temporary (a year) but that's still a long time. All I wanna do is just eat and go to bed but I can't even do that for now.


I hope so too.

File: 1735978274087.png (228.13 KB, 542x513, ClipboardImage.png)


>We are ISP AS20661 Turkmentelecom. There is malicious traffic coming to our servers from IP address belonging to you.
>IP address:
>Destination port:
>Start date: 04.01.2024
>Please, take actions to stop the malicious requests and respond to us.
>Turkmen Telecom
>e-mail: [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>

File: 1735975240015.png (80.67 KB, 856x1024, 1706683575612-1.png)


why so dead

File: 1735970977438.mp4 (5.37 MB, 540x960, 1735970938090.mp4)


new shoally stats just dropped
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i've never posted on that shitty site i'd rather kill myself lol
i can get out of bed fine but i don't shower often, once a week is fine for me


File: 1735972203860.mp4 (6.2 MB, 576x1024, 1735972153022.mp4)

what the HELL do you mean sh*rtypedo??? not showering is SHEMMY CULTURE NEWFAG!!! 🤬




kys lviv


die out lviv you're not funny

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i don't know


be happy


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sadness is temporary, feel happy you can experience living and getting to see things change


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What did we learn today /qa/?




unfortunate also hello feral

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>What an gemmy thread from hiperborea
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>english as a second language
>united kingdom flag
what..? but that's the origin of english


stop questioning the image and get to posting


The creator of the image is a retarded mutt thinks that every country beside the USA is thirde world


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>every country besides the usa is third world

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>poly isn't a transwoman because she said she isn't, your identity isn't based on other peoples perception of you you can be whatever you want!

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word filter quote, delete sharty obsession threads, and never raid frootcord sites

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guys we need a fucking dev or it's over

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are we live, chat?

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>lovelyshemmyKINGSandQUEENS are so graceful they don't even BAN PEOPLE anymore
might as well make all other sites redirect to soygem.party..

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