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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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quote is only coming back because he cums to any mention of his namefagsona so pls pls pls pls pls stop obsessing about evil namefag quote


why cant coswork and doddermodd come to xhis house and gangbang him is it because bri'ish

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What an gemmy thread from hiperborea

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does anyone have the assets for this? im making a soysphere hoi4 mod

i remember a thread about this on here but it got wiped
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post 'em if you can't finish the full video bruh it's over


thank you, I'll make a thread here if i need help
do this


i dont remember posting the first one.


Don't be concerned. You probably just forgot.


will you post the assets @vadim

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they are THIS bad at DDoSING.. might as well shut down the 'cord..

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uhm.. guys..?


let him be he just wants soylent

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>nusoipuckers are 10
Take the gun, put it to your mouth.


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>base 16


sharty is a grooming website


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>base 16


sharty is not a pedophile site used by trannies and run by trannies doe they're heckin moral crusaders who are saving the west bro
its the splinterpedos who are the REAL tranny pedos because kuz the known pedophile said the jarty was that

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alive website
<czech space
živá stránka



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what killed the fad?
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Redpill me on the ninny. I was away for most of the time it was being used as a bunker.


tsmt thank god we have [ROBOT MAN OF UNSPECIFIED NAME] as admin


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>coswork is incharge
>two discord users as janitors
that's all I saw


shithole that died after quote botted it, wasn't fun after. Then they hired discord namefags and then rulecucked it


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>5000 PPH
might as well sell the site..


sell it to me


discord pedophile posted this

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What did we learn while the site wasn't working /qa/?
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I read some of the bible
it has very good lessons


grinding on a task constantly is bad however, good luck though stuckcuck


i learned that i need to study anatomy


also i shouldn't trust any voice that claims to be someone i know



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>historicquotegroomers can't even DDOS a site correctly


he's getting distracted by the daily frootcord gooning vc sesh sorry sister

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>Quote: Soygem's DDoS degenerate

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post mares
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your schizophrenia hallucinations don't count


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hmm.. interesting


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he won
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this would get you a "mad at the internet" award on troonfarms kek
but facts


kiwitrannies hate froot to a comical level


still only barely though
everyone on the kiwifarms thread either already uses the sharty or the schlog actively or uses swedishwin but also uses the sharty because "uh the swinny just doesnt have enough people okay, im still resisting the heckin FDL doe!!"


using the sharty but complaining about it every second is aryan shemmycuck


just like the good old days.

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