>now wait just a FECKIN minute…. do me ears deceive me? Begorrah…. You, Connor Michal Kilpatrick Donnachadagh Mulroney from Boston MA, didn’t just say you’re… IRISH… did ye lad? Because if that is what you said, then boy do I have some news for you. You will NEVER… EVER be as Irish as Mohammed here who just moved to Dublin from Syria last night. You will NEVER be able to satisfy my daughters womb like he can. I tell ya, as soon as who put his bags down, my daughter was prostrate on the floor, her throbbing cunt begging for his superior cock. I couldn’t help but have a wank in the other room just listening to the macaroni sounds of my daughters soaking pussy taking a beating from his pulsating cock. I’ve already bought some pregnancy tests in advance so I can know as soon as possible if I’m going to be a grandfather to BEAUTIFUL Irish babies. Anyways, where was I? Oh yes, YOU WILL NEVER BE IRISH!!! UNDERSTOOD?!? I don’t care if all your grandparents were born in feckin Cork. You have to be born in Ireland or move here from a Muslim country to be Irish! This is the last time I’ll say it… until I have to say it again.@shartycucks
We used the shemmy under svvt, a retardmameson emojis thread 2
I'm making another thread because someone wiped the catty while i was gone./trade/ - shemmy OC edition
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