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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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looping stuck to torture the guy in the song

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traced stuff
7 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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>yeah everyone's busy fucking bitches





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OP is a sharty fag


like that means anything

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>blacks are taking over us and killing us!!!
>but we're le superior
Why are chuds like this?
Honestly it would be cool if they weren't weird indoctrinated autists and that was real. Something like white mujahideen living in outposts in like northern scandinavia (closest to hyperborea) fighting off hoards of black people. But that isn't the case.


shit bait


> white mujahideen living in outposts in like northern scandinavia (closest to hyperborea)
i can sense this is a swinnycuck from miles away stop larping as muzzies


I'm banned from that site for posting bmt


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>Thank you for hydrating the thirsty block
<Nice was funny before the trannies appropriated the meme and vehemently enforced it.

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>Wife's "emotional support friend" is the father
Wtf r/manosphere told me this wouldn't happen. I guess this is what i get for listening to reddit,





compressed inbred creature on the log

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>owned by a millionaire white male who got bored of oppressing the proletariat and decided to make a propaganda front for doing the same
>owned by three strong black women (vadim, poly and mutt)
any questions?


i dont think mutt and vadim are women


fan of x you are WAY too lost

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>100 ppd
it never even started for shemmypedos

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Just shut it down already.
2 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


nobody cares faggot




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Did I strike a nerve for the shoallypedo?
Maybe that's why this site will always stay stagnant.
They don't like me there either, I suggest you stop trying to come up with boogeymen to point to.


i thought that was the swinnycuck rizz i have one braincell and its fried this is why I SHOULD THINK before posting



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>shemmy pph: 1
>[s4s] pph: 5
now you know the superior site, shut this shithole down already and sell it to quote

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weed funny haha get it? its mameson but he's smoking WEED and WEED is FUNNY because its DRUGS, get it? what the fuck do you mean by "it's not funny?" OF COURSE ITS FUNNY YOU FUCKING NEANDERTHAL, ITS WEED, AND ITS SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY. LAUGH RIGHT FUCKING NOW


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Keep the site up just to spite >>201266


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If you keep up the site only from spite you failed as a imageboard

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>monarchy le bad despite the fact that a) all women are queens and b) all women are attracted to royalty so since half of the proletariat are already royalty and the other half should be made royalty real communism is technically a monarchist form of governance


no one says this

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post foh pph

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