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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1725901602568.png (2.79 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


remove the wordfilter on the word faggоt, its retarded and sharty level retardation

File: 1725785094830.jpeg (262.28 KB, 960x1415, IMG_0021.jpeg)


Meet kuro!
10 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1725801921352.png (123.71 KB, 396x735, Untitled2_20240908202507.png)

Shitty edit


hmm, the skirt might be too bright, taking away attention from the upper body




tama slopjak thread


Erm this is #meta not #general or #art, one more time and I'll have to tell a mod on you…

File: 1725801549522.png (93.14 KB, 600x800, ClipboardImage.png)


Forced anonymity in settings changes all names to Sean instead of Chud

File: 1725662551359.png (1.02 MB, 1377x1338, nah who invited this kid.png)


I asked this question many times but it never got answered so I will ask it on here. Why is gore spoilered again? When it was unspoilered this dead nigger of a website slowly started rising out of his grave and the site was fun to use again. Then gore starts getting spoilered again in less than 2 days for no reason. Seriously, why did you do this? Are you trying to create the sharty 2.0 but with more namefags, rules and retarded tranny jannies?


File: 1725709364674.png (22.29 KB, 750x414, ClipboardImage.png)


as a longtime user i agree with you there.


>Why is gore spoilered again?
Angeleno is still the owner of the site so rules are staying like this until October 1st.


File: 1725792903857.jpg (57.48 KB, 680x1069, 1725368894998.jpg)

So a literal soyboy bought his way to admin and is rule cucking all of you?

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Would u guys want a shemmy tiktok page?




File: 1725773702671.jpeg (776 B, 48x55, selfish little compressed.jpeg)

>no because I'm a selfish little fuck that doesn't want zoomers to see shemmy gemmies


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would u guys want a weapons board? in memory of paul harrell




Honestly it wouldn't get many posts




>add another board two people will use

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I want to make something very clear. No, I did not spam the wiki. I have never made any edits on the wiki.
>You have been banned from all boards for the following reason:

>(you) have the same deletion code as the person who did

>Don't do it again
i'm not sure what the deletion code is but i swear i did not make edits to the wiki.
i'm willing to answer any questions you have here.

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soyjak.link is down

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Where's ban list?

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I'm a shartyshit but I don't really care for other sites in the soysphere, can someone tell me why people dislike your site so much?


this site used to be pretty gay with anime avatarfags everywhere, nas coal taking up half of /soy/ and no genuine anons because almost everybody was identifiable. also it was rulecucked (total dox ban, total gore ban, mods banned people for disliking them and left smug messages, no nsfw)
but that was the old shemmy, from about january to march. it has become a lot freer and better since then since all of those things were unbanned (except doxing, but now doxing people who have severely messed with the site is finally allowed)

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