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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1721689054458.png (56.04 KB, 147x247, Screenshot_2024-01-05_1509….png)




shut up nigga

File: 1721766938318.png (12.81 KB, 460x134, ClipboardImage.png)


search on /qa/ is broken


ok fixed

File: 1721668434367.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.38 MB, 368x516, 1721299353616y_1.gif)


how can i be a mod?


not post niggers dying


File: 1721727993336.gif (776.22 KB, 168x255, 1721223210301b-0.gif)

Don't listen to the nigger above me, post more death monkeys


File: 1721778082744.gif (4.67 MB, 540x768, fan of that gore.gif)

>how can i be a mod?



File: 1721694754200.png (2.7 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


make me admin

File: 1721675423344.jpeg (23.79 KB, 680x658, 1717404860590b.jpeg)


Tell your janjan im not ban evading
I literally cant post anything since yesterday when I FIRST started tripfagging and im not the churro guro Joel satoko !exxx clittywork16 obsessed spammer or whatever


Posting again because previous thread got deleted by powertripping KIKES

File: 1721666533175.png (471.49 KB, 768x1024, 75631 - SoyBooru.png)


>Deleting threads

File: 1721645804189-0.jpeg (591.28 KB, 1777x1466, EA237F1C-7E53-4118-B29F-0….jpeg)

File: 1721645804189-1.jpeg (56.63 KB, 1307x348, E01DECC0-5AD8-4E52-B252-0….jpeg)


Hashban every coalshit you see and range every coalshit poster

File: 1721593164587.jpeg (14.58 KB, 225x225, images (2).jpeg)


Does anyone have a higher resolution version of this?


File: 1721599030330.jpeg (1002 B, 45x45, images (2).jpeg)

here you go


oh yeah thaks man VERY helpful and funny


File: 1721640788783.jpg (78.57 KB, 708x800, frightened_soyjak.jpg)

>look up reverse image search
>first result
>@Praiseelephant tusks


cuny is wordfiltered to elephant tusks


File: 1721641006762.jpg (315 B, 50x48, 1721262427922.jpg)

>oh yeah thaks man VERY helpful and funny

File: 1721640732490.gif (926.94 KB, 300x400, BabyJumpy.gif)


add /caca/

File: 1721638158989.png (176.43 KB, 775x488, ClipboardImage.png)


can someone message him the froot cord leaks, you need to follow him for i dont know how long. but i will update if i can message him because this can be important

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