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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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>The hourly thread limit has been reached. Please post in an existing thread.

File: 1723087931621.jpg (515.04 KB, 1062x703, 1707160196047.jpg)


Why is this site keep saying "spam suspected post discarded" when I try to make a reply?


File: 1723172875516.gif (884.45 KB, 512x512, 0009 - NiggerDuckBooru.gif)

An anti botting configuration we use might be broken right now. So sorry if that pops up sometimes.


It's happening again

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thanks jannies for not being retarded

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lenooo add /v/


soyboy board


Without soyboys who would we soyquote? Checkmate

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I wonder how the sharty and shemmy would be different if /qa/ was the main board and /soy/ still existed but /soy/ was always almost only IAS and OC but without rulecucking to force it, just a gemmy hecking SOCIAL CONTRACTERINO!


speaking pure schizo

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 No.3415[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Are the frootcord leaks real
573 posts and 118 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1720211171009.mp4 (1.58 MB, 214x120, csgo soy.mp4)

kek posting this doll seetherald


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This is just some guy sperging about Doll doe


don't let them memoryhole this


real as it gets


>Hes a unironic faggoy
>He crossdresses, or atleast thats what he told me
can you share a screenshot of the dms?

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Ban everyone who doesn't prove their whiteness with images


You first


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>You first



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Sell this site to froot or shut it down



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Is this site's soybooru ever going to be less slow and get more post approvers?


1. Frootcord constantly spams it I think
2. Ask for it


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I got a host error for hours earlier so I don't know how that'd effect it. It either works fine, takes minutes to load every page, or just doesn't load at all


well i guess I mean to say more of DDoS


if the reason you're using ours is because of geetest quote removed that from mcchallenge and replaced it with the sharty post captcha


I just want to use a 'ru without datamining n shieet, since it has all the posts before a certain point it's been a good replacement it's just slow

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how do i cure/manage OCD without taking big pharma slop?


realize it's not real and stop caring. the obsession is not real, not justified, soothe your soul, soothe yourself, it's not real. if it is, it's over exaggerated, it's not impactful. the obsession won't impact you as much as you think it would. why are you posting this on /sgp/


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>realize it's not real and stop caring. the obsession is not real, not justified, soothe your soul, soothe yourself, it's not real. if it is, it's over exaggerated, it's not impactful. the obsession won't impact you as much as you think it would. why are you posting this on /sgp/


i've tried this, but never for a long time. thanks

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